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Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: HG/SS! | W:1 Lugia Legend set, HG/SS Energy, more!

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RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

I need Magmortar X and 2 Shaymin PT #38... Can you do something with those?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Sooooo do you accept my offer. :)
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Only if you can include a Looker's or another Skuntank G.
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Alright so:


Palkia G
Magmortar X
Shaymin #38


2 Toxicroak G
Torterra PT
Skunktank G
2 Cyrus
1 Looker's
3 Energy gain
1 Life herb

Is that right?

Oh and SotS how About my Shaymin sky form for your Ampharos PT?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Can you add in another Skuntank G?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

I only have 1 Skunktank G ATM, Anything else?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Can you change the Shaymin to the Land Holo? Ampharos, and Land Holo are around the same value, while Sky Holo can be bought from decks, which really drops its value. :)

If you can change that around I'd appreciate it. :)
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Well then, what can I add?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

@ SotS; Maybe, I'll let you know...

@ Muddy: What do you want? Besides another Skunktank.
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

I can also send first if that is something you're worried about. :)
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Nah, I'm not worried about that, I just have to make sure there isn't anything I might need it for. I'm thinking that I probably won't need it, gimme until tomorrow, OK? I'll PM you about it! :)
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

@ Eastbay trainer: I need: Ryperior Lv.X, Pidgeot SW, and Suicune SW (Is there 2 or 1?)

Um I have 2 suicunes but one Might be traded. . . Ill trade you stuff for your Ramparados Cause thats what I need mostly. Please trade Ramparados to me. . . ( PLATINUM )
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

I do need some Broken Time Space. But if that doesn't suffice, we can just get rid of a card on my side.
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

@ Eastbaytrainer: I'll check your list for it!

@ Muddy: How about you take out that Shaymin?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

I mean Not Ryhperior I mean ramparados OOPS

I mean Ramparados PT Im sorry for this mix up. But yes Ramparados PT is what I need BADLY
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

Oh, that got traded, sorry... I'll let you know if I get more, any more that I get will be extras, I already have all the ones I need.
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

well do you have claydols then? lol. . . sad no mroe dinosaurs. . .
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

hello can you check my list for Froslass RH?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Drapion X for trade! Come look!

That really does work, PM me?
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