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Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: HG/SS! | W:1 Lugia Legend set, HG/SS Energy, more!

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RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

Please CML for

Mismagius GL Lv.X


Dusknoir (RH)
Drifblim (RH)

2x Mespirit
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask abou

Inferno~ I cant change the color because I'm using the web browser on my ps3. Can you CML for your Floatzel GL Lv X? Thanks.
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

hey i have 1x hoppowdon RR you interested? Inferno
RE: Need some Blastoise SW! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
Galloxys said:
Ampha-pwn77 said:
So then can you do the Flygon deal...?
I'm waiting on an answer from Vulpix+, since those are some of his cards. (Glaceon and Snorlax.)
He hasn't decided if he's interested in playing Hippo.

(Thanks BTW.)

Whoops, skipped some people...

@Galloxys: I might have a few Candy I can trade, how much of each do you have?

@NoobMuffin: I like 2 Blastoise, and if you could get any more Energy pickups, especially those.
LMK an Offer maybe?

3 {W}, 1 {L}.

I will LYK an offer soon!

What's the offer? Sorry I haven't been here in a while.
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

Are any of those Flygon of yours RH? Either way can you CML for 1 of them? Thanks!
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

CML for the following:

Mismagius GL Lv. X (not trading anything high end for it)
Mismagius GL RR x 1
Mesprit LA
Flygon SW

RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

I have these off your wants list, I'm not sure if you're still interested in them or not.

x1 Azelf LA it's a RH
x2 SP radar
x3 Hippowdon

don't know if you still need them at all or not, but feel free to CML if you want those, and you can check for anything else I have that you might like.

feel free to offer stuff that isn't necessarily on my wants list as well.
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

CML for 1x Gengar SF. I have Hippowdon RR. LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

CML for
Gengar SF.
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

hey I have 1x hoppowdon RR you interested? Inferno
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

Anywho I was wondering if you have any rh eevees from rr or the call for family md one. LMK thanks

RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

check me for

1 Regigigas X (Tin)
1 Glaceon Lv. X MD
1 Shaymin Sky Forme Lv. X (pack)
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

Interested in buying JPN Pt1 Rampardos.
Is it in mint condition?
If it is, how much do you want for it?
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

Hey I have these from your want list:
1 Porygon Promo (Install)
1 AZELF LA ( Not sure if I want to trade it)
1 Hippowdon Lv.X

I am intreasted in:
1 Floatzel GL Lv.X RR
2 Dusknoir (Night Spin) (1 RH) SF
1 Gengar SF
RE: Want signed cards by Pokebeach members! Can be any card! Also 6 Flygon! Ask about more RR, I have lots!

I have RH Floatzel GL, SP Radar, and some Shinies. Please CML for Float X, thanks!

RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: SV, Flygon Lv. X Leafeon Lv.X Uxie LA|


RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: SV, Flygon Lv. X Leafeon Lv.X Uxie LA|

Please CML for Uxie LA

I need 2
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: SV, Flygon Lv. X Leafeon Lv.X Uxie LA|

Jackolas said:
Please CML for Uxie LA

I need 2

Didn't really see anything except Alakazam 4 Lv.X, which would probably be a 1:1 trade for Uxie. If you've got any Absol G/Rayquaza C I'd be interested in those.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: SV, Flygon Lv. X Leafeon Lv.X Uxie LA|

cml for flygon lv x please
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: SV, Flygon Lv. X Leafeon Lv.X Uxie LA|

Hey, I have these:

1 Absol G SV
2 Rhyhorn SV (I need to double check on this)
1 Primeape SV

Interested in:

Flygon Lv. X
6x Uxie (LA)
1x Mesprit (LA; RH)

CML for more and LMK an offer.

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