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Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: HG/SS! | W:1 Lugia Legend set, HG/SS Energy, more!

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RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Let's see... I need to update more. :p

@ YourP1MP: Don't have it anymore, sorry. :[

@ The_Joker: I have all that you listed... make an offer? I also like your Luxray GL if you wanna add that into the trade. :D

@ Salamaster: Don't have that anymore, sorry!

Updated and hopefully took off everything I don't have.

Thanks for the posts!

RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more


palkia G X
palkia g PL (holo)
garchomp SV (RH)
x2 bebes


Leafy x. LMK or counter.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts,

Ampha-pwn77 said:
@ The_Joker: I have all that you listed... make an offer? I also like your Luxray GL if you wanna add that into the trade. :D
Thanks for the posts!


I don't mind putting Luxray GL into the trade. I need ALL of my listed wants, those include:
4x Call Energy
4x PokeDrawer
2x PokeBlower

And I have (the cards you want):
3x Bebe's Search
1x Luxray GL
(I can add 1x JPN Luxray GL)

I just edited my list and have some new cards. Take another look, please. If it's not enough for you, I don't mind putting a bit more into the trade.

RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

@ Spardan: Yep, that will work. PM me to finalize! :]

@ The_Joker: Hmm... I dunno if I want to trade the Calls... I may be willing to trade the Poke-drawers, but there isn't a whole lot I like off your list, and I found out I had a ton more Bebe's, so I don't need those anymore. Pretty much all I need is the ENG Luxray GL.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

have 6 Expert Belt want Uxie X.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Ampha-pwn77 said:
@ Spardan: Yep, that will work. PM me to finalize! :]

PM sent. Thanks again!
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

CML for 1 Uxie Lv.X, please.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Lol... One more thing I need to take off. Sorry guys, I don't have the Uxie X anymore.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Okay maybe this?
1 Expert Belt
1 Dialga G RH
1 Mesprit LA
1 Palkia G

RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Okay maybe this?
1 Expert Belt
1 Dialga G RH
1 Mesprit LA
1 Palkia G


I'm going to have to pass. . . I don't need the Dialga G and the Expert Belt doesn't add up to the Palkia and Mespirit.

CML for 1 Shaymin Land Forme

Didn't see anything, sorry!
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

CML for 1 Garchomp Lv.X MD and 1 Shiny Drifloon, please. Inferno.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

i have bebs and rosanse expert belt rare candy
please make offer i like those

1 Gardevoir Lv.X
2 Electivire FB Lv.X
1 Staraptor FB Lv.X
1 Blaziken FB Lv.X
1 Garchomp Lv.X MD
1 Garchomp C Lv.X
1 Rhyperior Lv.X (Tin)
1 Drapion Lv.X PT (Pretty bad condition)
1 Mismagius GL Lv.X RR
1 Shaymin Land Forme
1 Shaymin Sky Forme Lv. X (pack)
1 Torterra Lv. X (pack)
1 Snorlax Lv. X RR
1 Dialga G Lv. X
1 Mewtwo X ( Tin )
1 Regigigas X (Tin)
1 Leafeon Lv. X
1 Porygon Z Lv. X
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Hmm...My Palkia G Lv X for your Garchomp Lv X (MD) ???

Do you have 3 PokeHealer+ ???

Lmk or counter
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Cml for floatzel gl signed by q
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Gardevoir X

4x Expert Belt
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

eevee said:
CML for 1 Garchomp Lv.X MD and 1 Shiny Drifloon, please. Inferno.

Didn't see anything, sorry!

shadoworganoid said:
Hmm...My Palkia G Lv X for your Garchomp Lv X (MD) ???

Do you have 3 PokeHealer+ ???

Lmk or counter

Hmm, I might do Garchomp for Palkia... I'll get back to you on that, and yes I do have 3 Pokehealer.

icman92 said:
Cml for floatzel gl signed by q

The signature on it has almost worn off from being in binder, but if you still want it, I like your PA Luxray. LMK.

chanman45 said:
Gardevoir X

4x Expert Belt

Well, I'd very much like to do that, but the Gardevoir is heavily damaged, so I dunno if you'd still want it. LMK.

Thanks for posting!

RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots of Lv.Xes, some PA | W: 8 Expert belts, more

Is the sig still visible?
If so pm to confirm
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