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Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: HG/SS! | W:1 Lugia Legend set, HG/SS Energy, more!

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RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 1 Luxray X, 3 Chomp C X

Inferno (in red but I don't know how to do that^_^)... I read through and I didn't see any but i thought i'd ask just in case, do you have any * or shining pokemon??? thanks :)
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 1 Luxray X, 3 Chomp C X

Nope, haven't got any *s or Shinings ATM, sorry! :[

Bump, I need 3 Spiritomb PA!
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 1 Luxray X, 3 Chomp C X

Bump #3 of the week! (I think it's 3? =3)
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

Oh sorry, I got all the Garchomp C Xes I needed. Do you have a regular Garchomp C I could trade for?
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

I need 3 Mesprit LA, 1 Regice LA, 1 Vulpix SH

Please CML
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

Ampha-pwn77 said:

Could you CML for these?:

Machamp Lv.X
Magnezone Lv.X


Hey the machamp X is gone but I am interested in your 3x Uxie Stitch. let me know.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

CML for Palkia G Lv.X or Blaziken FB Lv.X. thanks!
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

I'll do Gardevoir RH (SW)
and gengar SF (plus maybe another card)
for porgygon-z x
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

CML for blaziken fb lv.x and dialga g lv.x

i have 1x gengar SF and 2x machamp SF from ur wants
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

@ Novadragon: Didn't see anything, sorry.

@ Cirrus: Make an offer?

@ Power Swing: My Blaziken FB Lv.X for your Infernape 4 Lv.X? LMK.

@ Wishirulz: Nah, no thanks.

@ Empoleok: My Blaziken FB Lv.X for your Gallade 4 Lv.X? LMK.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

did you get my other PM? and if you did did you get the chance to CML?
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

konter_j8902 said:
cml for flygon rr

Didn't see anything, sorry.

richkid50000 said:
did you get my other PM? and if you did did you get the chance to CML?

I just read it. I don't see anything for Luxray, but I do like your Mewtwo X if there's anything else of mine that you need. LMK.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

are you interested in a gegnar X at all? i could do that and mewtwo for it if not i like the sceptile Ge's and if you have them tangrowth SF. do you have any DCE?(old sets are fine)
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

Nah, I already have a Gengar X. I don't have any Tangrowth SF, and I'm saving my DCE for HG/SS to come out. . . The Sceptile are up for trade though if you want to offer.
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

yes ill trade my gallade 4 x for ur blaziken fb x

ill pm u the deal

thanks ;]
RE: Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: Lots :D | W: 3 Spiritomb, 2 Gardy SW, 2 Gallade SW!

If you would like to follow through with the following trade, than please
Pm me by tommorow. If no than the infernape will be sent out to another trader.
Infernape 4 X
Blaziken FB X
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