Wi-Fi Trades Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Egg Move Tyrunt!)


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 1478-3063-5795 Name: Amphy
Time Zone: MST -7
Times Available: 3:30-11PM my time every day for days I go to school, and on 4 or 5 days a week, I am here all day.
What I do: All right, welcome to my trade thread! I can trade Pokémon with Gen 6. I like to breed for 4 IV and 5 IV mons, and I get even more from Wonder Trade. I like to breed a lot of extras, so whenever I say I have a box full of them in the notes then you can post and I can give you a 4 IV/5 IV for free. If you want a specific Pokemon though tell me which one and I will breed another for you, as long as you give me another 5 IV I don't have. Also I battle in singles and doubles, so ask me to battle if you want!
Friend Safari: Ground-type, has Camerupt, Trapinch, and Diggersby available.

All Pokemon in my haves are assumed to be 5 IV, except when noted.
NatureAbilityEgg MovesNotes
Charmander[sprite]4[/sprite]TimidBlazeYes (Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power)
Charmander[sprite]4[/sprite]JollyBlazeYes (Belly Drum, Crunch, Outrage, Dragon Dance)Box full of them.
Squirtle[sprite]7[/sprite]ModestRain DishYes (Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere)
Kangaskhan[sprite]115[/sprite]AdamantScrappyNoBox full of them.
Magikarp[sprite]129[/sprite]JollyIntimidateNo4 IV only, but can breed on demand.
Lapras[sprite]131[/sprite]ModestWater AbsorbYes (Freeze Dry)
Dratini[sprite]147[/sprite]JollyMarvel ScaleYes (Extremespeed, Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush)
Totodile[sprite]158[/sprite]AdamantTorrentYes (Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance)
Togepi[sprite]175[/sprite]BoldHustle/Serene GraceNo
Marill[sprite]183[/sprite]AdamantThick FatYes (Aqua Jet, Belly Drum)4 IV only, but can breed on demand. No Huge Power.
Mantine[sprite]226[/sprite]QuirkySwift SwimYes (Wide Guard)
Ralts[sprite]280[/sprite]TimidTraceYes (Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak)
Shroomish[sprite]285[/sprite]ImpishPoison HealNo
Corphish[sprite]341[/sprite]JollyAdaptabilityYes (Knock Off, Superpower, Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet)4 IV only, but can breed on demand.
Chimchar[sprite]390[/sprite]JollyIron FistNo
Starly[sprite]396[/sprite]AdamantRecklessYes (Double Edge)
Gible[sprite]443[/sprite]JollyRough SkinYes (Iron Head, Outrage)
Bouffalant[sprite]626[/sprite]AdamantSap SipperNo
Larvesta[sprite]636[/sprite]TimidFlame BodyNo
JollyHuge PowerNo
JollyGale WingsNo4 IV only, but can breed on demand.
ModestFlower VeilNo
TimidSweet VeilNo
JollyUnburdenYes (Belly Drum)
JollyStrong JawYes (Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang)New!
BoldPranksterNoBox full of them.
[td colspan=2] Pokemon [/td]

Anything not listed in my haves.
Charizardite X
Touch these legends: 3 legendary dogs, Ho-oh, 4 Regis, Lati Duo,
Dialga, Giratina, Heatran, Cresselia, Manaphy, Victini, Tornadus,
Landorus, Reshiram, 3 Unova event legendaries.
Lansat Berry
Starf Berry
Grepa Berry
Ganlon Berry
Salac Berry
Petaya Berry
Apicot Berry
Kee Berry
Maranga Berry
Payapa Berry

Trade History:
Last updated 6:37 PM 3/4/2014

What Pokémon do you want?:
What Pokémon do you have?:
What is your 3DS FC and IGN?:
What time are you available?:
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X)

Hey, I have some modern and elegant Vivillons. Let me know if you want them.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X)

I'd like the Elegant Vivillon. Do you see anything you want in my Haves?
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X)

Okay, I'll only be on for only a moment, right now.

EDIT: we'll have to do it later. I'll be on much later tonight and perhaps tomorrow.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X)

I have updated Central Kalos, now I have every CK unevolved Pokemon in the dex! And bump.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Except for some legendaries, I now have the entire living dex, so now I've turned to breeding! I got a bunch of 5 IVs for trade, and whenever I do I'll start giveaways of my extras.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

What Pokémon do you want?:Kangaskhan
What Pokémon do you have?: Check My List
What is your 3DS FC and IGN?: Emil - 2552-1978-0622
What time are you available?: Almost all Sunday, weekdays at night.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Eron said:
What Pokémon do you want?:Kangaskhan
What Pokémon do you have?: Check My List
What is your 3DS FC and IGN?: Emil - 2552-1978-0622
What time are you available?: Almost all Sunday, weekdays at night.

5 IV (imperfect IV is Special Attack) Kangaskhan for your Modest 4 IV Squirtle? I've added you, but I'm still breeding for the Kangaskhan.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Amphy23 said:
Eron said:
What Pokémon do you want?:Kangaskhan
What Pokémon do you have?: Check My List
What is your 3DS FC and IGN?: Emil - 2552-1978-0622
What time are you available?: Almost all Sunday, weekdays at night.

5 IV (imperfect IV is Special Attack) Kangaskhan for your Modest 4 IV Squirtle? I've added you, but I'm still breeding for the Kangaskhan.

Ok, take your time, PM me when you have it, I already added you.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Cml for both those charmanders if not I can get you all the stones you need and kelpsy and Tamoto berrys.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

What Pokémon do you want?: Volcarona
What Pokémon do you have?: Check My List
What is your 3DS FC and IGN?: Emil - 2552-1978-0622
What time are you available?: Almost all Sunday, weekdays at night.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Whoa, whoa, do you want my Volcarona or a Larvesta? I should note that even though I do list my fully trained Pokemon, I will only trade their offspring, in this case Larvesta. If you want the Larvesta (5 IV with Attack as imperfect IV and Timid), then I can trade you for your Gible (Jolly - Rough Skin - x/31/31/x/31/31 - Female).
EDIT: Check, didn't see your post until now, sorry! I'll do the two Charmander for 2 Sun Stones, 1 Shiny Stone, and the Kelpsy and Tamato berries.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Amphy23 said:
Whoa, whoa, do you want my Volcarona or a Larvesta? I should note that even though I do list my fully trained Pokemon, I will only trade their offspring, in this case Larvesta. If you want the Larvesta (5 IV with Attack as imperfect IV and Timid), then I can trade you for your Gible (Jolly - Rough Skin - x/31/31/x/31/31 - Female).
EDIT: Check, didn't see your post until now, sorry! I'll do the two Charmander for 2 Sun Stones, 1 Shiny Stone, and the Kelpsy and Tamato berries.

Ok, well, I saw "Volcarona" on the list so... and ok. Tell me when you have it.

Nvm, I don't need it

But, what a bout a Chimchar?
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

Got your pm me when your on. by the way what time is it there I`m at 2:43 a.m. and I may be able to trade soon I need to get the sun stones 1st I`l really good at getting them using Super Training.
RE: Amphy's My Player thread (Pokemon X, have 5 IV Totodile!)

  • 5 IV Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar with Special Atttack as imperfect IV for 4 IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible with HP and Special Attack as imperfect IVs with Eron.
  • A female Squirtle too? Also do you want 4 IV or is it okay if I give you 5 IV? 2 4/5 IV Squirtle with one female having Rain Dish and both with Modest for 5IV Drilbur (Adamant) (-SpAtk) (Mold Breaker) and 5IV Togepi (Bold) (-Atk) with Shining Goodra.
  • 2 5 IV Charmander for 5 random Pokemon with 2 Sun Stones, 1 Shiny Stone, and the Kelpsy and Tamato berries attached to them with Check.

That's it right? Eron, the Chimchar is ready, but I haven't started/finished with the other two. EDIT: Finished trade with Shining Goodra!