Wi-Fi Trades Amt's Pokemon Megaplex

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RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Yes, I have like 30 Legendaries. They are Legit and all level 100. I raised them myself :)
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Ok, LMK when you got him :) Thanks!!!!!
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

No :-( Sorry. I should have a new one by Saturday Sorry for making you wait
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

its ok. i saw you making trades, and i thought you were faking it for some reason. dont know why. oh and thanks for the leafeon, it cleared every contest in sinnoh!
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

oh, cool!! Is it really your B-day today. If so Happy Birthday!!! :)
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

your deoxys, charmander
my sandshrew hariyama
is this still goin down or are you out?
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Do you have a Adamant NON-SHINY Tyranitar? I can Trade a
Lv.78 Groudon Non-Shiny
Lv.86 Kyogre Non-Shiny

For the Tyranitar. Also if you have it what Level? I'd perfer Level 80-100.
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Gallade2512 - Well I hope you have a GREAT Birthday!!!!!!! P.S. Now your older then me by a month.

ItalianBlock - We are still going to do the trade but my DS is Broken right now so We can do it Saturday when I get a new one.

Loco_Coco - Yes, I have one but it is Level 67. I'll trade it for Kyogre.
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

oh im sry bout that, that must really suck. ok yeah ill keep in touch thanks :D
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Gallade - No My B-day is August 22 almost a month

Italianblock - It does suck..lol
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

wow. thats the same day as my aunts b-day, 3 days b4 my bros b-day, and 5 days b4 my moms b-day
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

cool..lol, Have you done anything for ur b-day today?
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

sat on pokebeach and played ds. both my parents and my only older sibling works all day, so i dont do anything but babysit at neighbors and my house
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Have you had fun? For my b-day my parents work too, but this time my mom and 17 year old sister won't even be here. They'll be in California.
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