Wi-Fi Trades Amt's Pokemon Megaplex

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RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Know but i have a Cranidos 1 lv from evolving.
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

ok, i'll evolve once u trade i get it. need anymore and also do u remember all our trades
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

No, But how about I'll look at Pages 1-17 and You look at Pages 18-37 and We tr to find all of our trades
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Ok that should work.
you're shiny raqaza and shiny venasore and shiny mew2 for my 4 sandslash.
You're shiny deoxeys for my tyranatar.
Anything for you're non shiny garghomp and anything for you're shiny eletavire.
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

LMK what you got from our traded onpages 18-37 thanks
Here is what I got from our Trades on Pagese 1-17


RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Shiny garchomp for my lv100 charizard.
My blaziken for you're shiny magikarp.
My golem for you're shiny charamander.
You're shiny squirtle for my sceptile.
You're shiny cyndiqil for my tyflotion.
You're shiny flygon for my lucario.
You're shiny arcanine for my rampardos.
And what do you want for the magmortar?
I thoght that I dod not only get lv5 shiny mews i thought that i got 2 lv90 something is that true?
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

That's what you said. I read EVERY post that said amt1111 and Billy
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Maybe I read them wrong. I think page 3 is where you started posting on my thred!! That's 8 trades fright there.You want anymore? I'll think of a pokemon I want when u tell mewhat pokemon you still want! Thanks
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Do you have any pokemon whith rely good attack?
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

I'm not sure... I am locked in a closet right now and my ds is broke (Don't ask about the Closet). Just tell me the pokemon you want and i'll try and make sure they have good moves
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

How about this:

Lv. 16 Nidoqueen
Lv. 75 Delcatty
Lv. 25 Clefable
Lv. 25 Staraptor

For any of the following:
Ralts Eggs, Mews, Omanyte, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, or cranidos? if not, w/e.
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

The deal was a lv100 mew and a lv94 and a lv15. And cloning does nnot work good for me can you get me a nouther shiny flygon? what do you want and what do you want for magmortar?
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Yeah, I have 3 shiny flygons and 1 level 94 mew. And I have a level 56 Magmortar. LMK what moves u might want for them
RE: Amt1111's Pokemon Megaplex NOW HAVE LUGIA!!

Know i mean for the shiny magmortar and what lv are the flygons and i want the mew.
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