Wi-Fi Trades Amt's Pokemon Megaplex

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RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Lol. I was hoping that SvN and Pride would be on too. At least one of them is =D

And, Umm, someone else start something about the mini-war ;p
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Erm... Let's get CCloud to talk. :F
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Erm, howz about this for a topic...WOT POKYMONZ R UZ USIN??!! LOL

Nah, I best tell NN mon équipe, I never told him.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**


We should do :



Sam Von Noobenschtein
Kevein Garrett (Or someone else good)
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Wait. Howz about a 5 on 5 match ? As in 5 people on 5 not Pokémon ? Look for your members.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

I don't have Wi-Fi, because Amt is still breeding. Neither does Pride.

Let's have an imaginary battle.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Umm.... What? 5 people vs 5 people?

EDIT : Lol. We will do a real battle, but it won't start until I get your team ready, AND MAYBE IF PRIDE WANTS TO BE IN IT, I MIGHT CONSIDER SHODDY
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Why not?

Imaginary or real?

EDIT: Oh, real.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**


What's this "discussion" of a "tournament"?


Shawn out.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

You dont have Wi-Fi NN ? I didnt know that. I dont either and I wont get it for a while now but meh.

5 on 5, NN, lets look quick for members :F

-EDIT- Look CCloud, I know there is a semi-love triangle going on here with you, Pride and Amt. Amt loves both of you guys but doesnt know which one to pick. Poor thing.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

ZOMG, I DO! And it is a discussion about a little mini tournament, I think.
Kevin Garrett

RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

Oui. C'est ca en fait. Maintenant, donnez moi mes 50 000€ :F

Just like in the Chat Room :F
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

We don't understand French. Or at least I don't...

Miles hates Shoddy.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

I said on Chat last night (my time) when I became a bank robber. You still have 17 hours to give me 50 000€. Please, I really need it :F
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

I said I MIGHT do it on Shoddy. Only if Pride really wants to do it. And I Despise Shoddy almost as much as Blissey. And you can ask Pride how much I despise Blissey. ;p
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

We already discussed that you had something in common with Blissey Amt. We already discussed it :F

Would you do it on Competitor ?
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 5th**

I only have 1 thing in common with it. One Thing.
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