Wi-Fi Trades Amt's Pokemon Megaplex

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RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Okay. Well, I might not be on when you send the PM. :/
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Even though my Pokemon suck... Ill battle for the Dragonite :]

Edit: EV training!!!! Im lazy this could work :]
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

@ Pride - I refuse to battle you. :eek: I will not be humiliated by losing 0-6. But, the EV training; are there any Pokemon you need EV trained? :]
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Refuse to battle? I dont even have a true team.... :(

Ok, I am going to PM you the Pokemon (TOP SECRET!!!)
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Pokemon - Gible
EVs - 252 Attack,252 Speed and 6 on HP
Egg Move(s) - (The moves I need) Earthquake,Fire Fang,Stone Edge,Sword's Dance
Level - 60 (If possible) or just until it becomes Garchomp
NATURE(If possible,but if not,I can just trade you the specific natured pokemon) - Adamant

I will pay you with a Level 1 Spiritomb (Legit and Breeded)

Pokemon - Gastly
EVs:252 Sp.Atk,252 Speed and 6 Defense
Egg Move(s):Well,this is the moves I like,but I can just put it myself,but try to get if you can:Thunder,Shadow Ball,Psychic,Dark Pulse
Level:Until it becomes a Gengar
Nature:Any + Special Attack Nature (Except for Quiet)

And I will pay you with a Level 1 Riolu
Thanks for EV Training this two pokemon for me! And you can also take your time...
If you won't accept my trade,I can offer you a lot more...Like an Articuno (Untouched)
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

@ Pride - Fine. I'll battle you.

@ Boracay_Jason - I'm pretty sure I can do that. :] Is there any specific date you need them both by?

@ cyborgdarkrai - No thanks.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

No Amt,you may do it whenever you want too,I don't need it on a specific date whatsoever..

You may just PM me here in Pokebeach or add me in any type of messenger with this:
[email protected]

Thanks again Amt
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Okay then. :]
Also, are there any specific IVs you need them to have?
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Well,If possible could you get 31 IV's on Attack and Speed for Garchomp? If you can't,31 IV's on either would be fine,and 31 IV's for Sp.Atk and Speed for Gengar? If you can't,31 IV's on either would be fine too.But that is if it is possible for you.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Hmm... I should be able to get that. :] Maybe a week. :]
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Wow,a week before my happy birthday! Thank you Amt,but remember take your time in doing it

RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Okay. I'll try to have them within the next two weeks! :]
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

ev 225 attack 225 speed
moves i dont care
egg moves none
lvl 70
nat adamnt
ev 225 in attack 225 in defense
moves i dont care
egg moves dragon dance
nat adament
lvel when it gets to tyranitar

i dont know what lvl 1 poke u want so pm me or post back
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Okay. Well, are there any specific IVs you want them to have? >_>
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Okay. So :

IVs : 31 Attack and 31 Speed
EVs - 225 Attack / 225 speed
Egg Move(s) - Don't Care
Level 70

IVs - 31 Speed and 31 Attack
EVs - 225 Attack / 252 Speed
Egg Move(s) - Dragon Dance
Level 55

Is that correct?
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

umm the larvitar dosnt have to have dragon dance but if u wnat it to u can but what do u want for these.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

What Level 1 Pokemon do you have that you'll trade for it?
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