Wi-Fi Trades Amt's Pokemon Megaplex

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RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

No problem about the Heatran =)

Clone?! Stupid GTS -_-
Yeah, I can clone if you would like. =D
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Hey Amt, when I was talking to you about the Shiny Starly, it's a Shiny Staraptor now, both of them are, EVd for no particular reason, the standard Phys. spread of 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

So the prize is now a pwnzorific Suicune as you said for winning a battle ?

I'll challenge you, again I guess =p
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Ehh. Have you cloned before? I don't want you to lose it on the GTS. :-(

EDIT : Do you have your Wi Fi yet, SvN? :O
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I don't have Wi-Fi, how do you want me to clone :/

I have 2 don't worry. Besides, if I beat you and I get that Suicune, don't think I want it for free. The Staraptor have terrible natures and terrible IVs sadly. One has 22-27 Atk and the other has 22-27 Spe.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I'm not expecting you to clone. -_- Don't you want the Suicune for free? You automatically get it when if you beat me.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I don't want it for free, I'll trade you a Shiny Staraptor of your choice for it =)
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

You automatically get it if you beat me. So you can't really call it "free." :F
But yeah, I'd like either one of those Shiny Staraptors. =)
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Yeah, but you know what I mean, not get it for a nothing like a Rattata =p

Okay, one is Gentle and the other is Impish.
Now, the Impish has 22-27 IVs in both HP and Atk. The rest are like 0-7 or something. No Wi-Fi for auto L.100 :/

The Gentle has 22-27 IVs in both Spe and SpD, then again, the rest are 0-7.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Oh, yeah, I don't want s Rattata. =P
Hmm... I'll take the one you don't want. :p
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I don't really mind, the Gentle one I was planning to Scarf (it doesn't need much of a boost) but the other one would have Agility (because of it's mediocre IV). So, your choice. If you want, I'll try and get their IVs now, no guarantee that they will be certain, they are at LV.36.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I'll take the one that is not Gentle, if thats okay. =P
Now, what can I trade for it? :O
Because, if you lose, you don't get that Suicune. :O
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I would take the Shiny Rapidash if I lose. That okay with you ?
Here come the IVs of the Impish Staraptor you want:


I think I screwed up a little on the EVs, I forgot to give the last 2 EVs in Atk I think :/

But yeah, there they are. It knows CC and Agility for the good moves.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Hmm.. I think I still have that Shiny Rapidash. Right now, I am currently Soft Resetting for a Regigigas. I decided not to keep this other one that I was going to get Pride to clone. =P
So, I can check later. =p Are there any others you'd want, incase I don't have it?
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I SRd once on an Azelf and it is great :]


Urm, I can't remember the not as needed stats: I think it was 1/24/25/31/7/30
Ironic, I only checked it's IVs last night :/
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Thats pretty good. Thats Azelf's IVs, right? :p
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

Yeh. I also have a decent Regigigas, sadly it's Impish


Good enough :p
I EVd it for no reason with a weird spread that gets Def to 314, maxed the Atk and gave 112 Spe EVs. It's best teamed up with Ninjask. You realize that once Ninjask has done one SD and 2 Speed Boosts, and passes to Regigigas, it's Atk and Spe will be the same as if Slow Start wasn't even there. Wait till Slow Start goes :p 832 Atk and 500 Spe
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I want it. :(
You never told me what you wanted incase I don't have that shiny Rapidash. :O
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I'll take the Cradily if you don't have the Shiny Rapidash. And I still need to give you Shiny Staraptor for something, but then again, it is more of a giveaway so maybe if I win our battle, we trade Suicune for Staraptor, but if I lose, Staraptor for the S. Rapidash, if you still have it.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

do you have a Teddiursa for trade?

I only want it because i like the pokemon itself...so im not looking for a shiny or anything.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated the 14th**

I can try to get one. On your Sneasel with Ice Punch, do you know it's IVs?
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