One or more IVs came back as invalid. You either entered the stat data wrong (Order is HP-Att-Def-SpA-SpD-Speed) or you didn't enter the correct EVs (If you didn't write them down, there is no way to know what they are).
See I don't know my EV Points so some of the results were invalid because I didn't ahve the EV Points.
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated December 30th**
Alright, I'll be at a Cities tomorrow, so I can't guarantee a wi-fi connection during the day. However, I can trade during the night, like about 7:30 PM EST :-]
RE: Amt's Pokemon Megaplex **Updated December 30th**
Shinies: I have an Adamant Cubone (with meh IVs though; untouched), Lonely Eevee (31 IV in Sp Atk), Careful Gyarados (not sure about the IVs), Serious Alakazam, Naive Pichu, Hardy Slowbro, Mild Pachirisu, Hardy Fearow.