AMU help

Mightyena is just a horrible card, because honestly who doesn't run warp points. Also, Mightyena doesn't do anything beside counter one card.
On another note here is some suggestions 2-1-2 Gengar, a 2-1-2 Gardy line, or the 2-2-2 Leafeon line that people seem to be liking now in days.
Yeah i forgot about Machamp, but you just tech in unknown G and your good to go. Incidentally if you tech in G I believe you still take the 40 damage from his take down. Which is a real major bummer, but if you tech in Lake boundary you can OHKO Machamp with one plus power and a Zen Blade.
Are we talking about just Pokemon supporter cards, or trainers and supporters as well?

Not sure about Pokemon, still been playing around a bit.

As far as trainers/Supporters:
Roseannes Research
Quick Ball
Energy Pickup
Night Maintanance
Rare Candy (joking)
Premier Balls (Not joking)
Snowpoint Temple (not really NEEDED, but saved me a few times at BR's)
Cynthias Feelings (good when a pixie get's OHKO'd)
Stark Mountain + Regirock (joking again)
Energy Switch (For multiple Supreme Blasts)

Those are just a few that I run.
i would say mewtwo would be the best tech besides palkia, but palkia is the best as it allows for maximum pixie set-up time.
Condemn me, but I'm suggesting a GC card.

a 1-0-1 Gardy GC means that you can stash a bunch of energies from the bench and then consistently OHKO for 200 damage every turn.