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Amy's Trading Thread :]

I'm interested in:
1x Raikou & Suicune Bottom UL
1x Darkrai & Cressalia Bottom TM

I have a few of your wants if you want me to list them. Do you have anything else from my wants (especially the reverse holo ones)?
Let me know, thanks.
@afro-g I have 2 Bebe's LP. I have a Japanese Patrat. I have the Feraligatr, Electrode, Meganium Prime that I have listed. I have the CoL prerelease deck box. Call Energy. Azelf LP. 3 Pokemon Communicators. 2 Rare Candies from UL.

I'll only trade for whats on my wants list, so make an offer? :]
2x Dusk Ball
1x Expert Belt (LP)
1x Seeker
1x Poliwag UL (Cities Promo)
1x Poliwhirl UL (States Promo)

1x Raikou & Suicune Bottom UL
1x Darkrai & Cressalia Bottom TM

Let me know what you think about that. I may be able to trade you some of your other wants, but I would want to get some more stuff from you.
@afro-g you can make an offer for more stuff! as of now, the poliwag and poliwhirl aren't very important, i just really want to finish my deck. so as much as you can do from the deck wants would be great!
Well what did you think about my offer above? Did you think it was good?

I'm a little interested in your:
1x Electrode Prime
3x Pokemon Communication
1x Rare Candy (UL only)

I also have from your wants:
1x Luxury Ball
1x Pokedex (RH) (Played Condition)

Let me know about the offer I made in my previous post, thanks.
I don't value the cities/states promos that much.
Would you do:
Raikou&Suicune Bottom UL
Rare Candy UL

Dusk Ball (x2)
Expert Belt
Luxury Ball
How about....
2x Dusk Ball
1x Expert Belt (LP)
1x Seeker
1x Luxury Ball
1x Pokedex (RH) (Played Condition)
1x Poliwag UL (Cities Promo)
1x Poliwhirl UL (States Promo)

1x Raikou & Suicune Bottom UL
1x Darkrai & Cressalia Bottom TM
1x Pokemon Communication (Throw-in)

Let me know, thanks.
amy you copycat -______-.

somebody must have saw the wittz vid on sableye. don't be a donk happy (fill in the blank). Everybody at league will not want to play against that deck when the b/w rules happen lol. :)

Hope to see you saturday.
@ssbbdaisy i will still have my machamp deck to play, it's much more fun. this ones just for tournies i guess. do you have any of the cards to help me out?

@safariblad do you have anything on my wants list?
I have the 4 Super Scoop Up and the 1 seeker. You can go ahead and cross those off your list if you think you will trade them off me on saturday :). Also I broke even at regionals 4-4. Its better than 3-5 D:!!!!! I wouldn't want that. I'm also building the "ruin the format deck" as well. I only intend to play it against certain people at our league.
@flea212 would you do your x2 Smeargle UD or CoL for my Dialga&Palkia full?

@Shiny Shinx I will do x2 Warp Energy for your x2 Unown Retire and x2 Quick Ball

@SSBBdaisy Yeah, thanks :] it will have to be a FAIR trade, but we will work it out! see you Saturday!
You've got a lot of cards to fill some holes in my collection so this list may seem a bit long but, how about
quick ball x2
pokemon rescue
sableye sf

for your
arcanine hs
froslass gl
groudon cl
infernape sf
lucario cl
nidoking tm
octillery ul
raichu sf
solrock tm
typhlosion hs
battle tower
galactic hq
aipom ul rh
ampharos cl rh
arcanine hs rh
buizel sv rh
cacnea pl rh
camerupt g