An Excited Heart — The Missing Piece for ArcTina


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Hello everybody! This is Gabriel Semedo again, and this time, I’m going to talk about a very different Arceus VSTAR / Giratina VSTAR list. This was an original idea by Dalton Acchetta and myself, which we developed together over several days in order to find the most perfect list possible.

The new Twilight Masquerade set is out, though there hasn’t even been time to absorb everything from the previous format yet. Until a few weeks ago, I was with Dalton developing a new list that was capable of beating Charizard ex and Chien-Pao ex, but...

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That’s bizarre. I independently created almost this exact list about a two months ago, only major differences were Prime Catcher instead of Maximum Belt, a two-of Lost City count, a thinner 2-2 Bib line for a thicker 2-2 Giratina line, an Eri instead of an Arven, and a TM Devo. There are a few other minor differences, but wow, I’ve never experienced something like that before
I want to enjoy this deck so badly, but I've been playing it for 2 days and the amount of times I brick is crazy. Bidoof opening active, or too many turns to get setup with energys on Arc to start accelerating to rest of bench. I feel like the setup takes too long compared to the other meta decks right now. Quite unfortunate.