Already compiled a list of the XY-onwards options...
"I might as well take this time to cover all of the Abilities in XY-onwards that can't get through Theta Stop. Ones listed in * represent ones that are especially more common. I would like to note that the Ability seems to only stop effects done to the Pokemon WITH the trait, so damage reduction Abilities like Furfrou XY and Aurorus FUF would still reduce. Let me know if I missed one.
Chesnaught XY
Greninja XY
Swellow XY
Qwilfish FLF
Forretress FLF *
Dragalge FLF *
Victreebel FUF
Hawlucha-EX FUF
Pyroar PHF
Golbat / Crobat PHF *
Chandelure PHF
Malamar-EX PHF *
Ludicolo PRC
Crawdaunt PRC *
Bouffalant PRC
Team Aqua's Muk DCR
Absol RSK * "
That's not what I meant but anyway... I mean what threats would there be if there was no Theta Stop out of the abilities that are stopped by it.