This is a very bad card ! There's already many ways and many cards to lock abilities and some of them are better than this one !
That's just plain wrong.
This card cannot be countered. Read that again. Cannot. Nothing we have post rotation right now can shut off Supporters effectively (and I wouldn't count on Giratina-EX if it is 4 energy to attack). Once this card has been played, the effect cannot be removed by your opponent.
Garbotoxin is gone after rotation, Wobbuffet is bested by Lysandre/Escape Rope/just knocking it out, Silent Labs only affects Basics and with Paint Roller AOR is fairly easy to remedy.
This card, once played, could completely cripple a Shaymin based deck for a turn, could allow you a turn of set up if Item Locked by Vileplume, prevent Crawdaunt from removing your energy for a turn and allowing you to still attack, the list continues.
This card is niche, for sure, but if the meta game swings even more to support based abilities I'd rather not risk losing the Stadium War and run a couple of these with VS Seeker instead.