Animal Crossing: New Leaf Discussion

don()shinobi said:
You should have bought it when it was new, honestly.

Blaaaah! I know... But due to my parents bad planning, I was in Colorado for all of June, in camp, and over 200 miles away from the nearest game store... D.:
RotomRules64 said:
I know I am two months too late, but I REALLY want that 3dsXL bundle. Every single store I go to tell me they will never stock it again. I feel like if I just buy the game, the console bundle will re-release 2 days later. Amazon is way too overpriced, plus I have heard bad things about Amazon. What should I do?

For the price that's on there, I think it's pretty reasonable. It's a limited edition bundle that probably sold out quickly (like any bundle like that would, just look at the Pokemon ones that sold out in Japan...) and now you have to pay the price if you want it months later. Usually they don't do multiple shipments on these kinds of things, but I guess it's kind of possible...But I've heard of nothing but good about Amazon (believe me, I was wary too before I bought a couple things on there for the first time), so you don't have much to worry.

dmaster out.
Meh... The only thing I have ever bought from Amazon was a Raikou Suicune Legend, it was packaged so weirdly I almost cut the card in half trying to open it... I guess I will ask. My parents do owe me over 700$...
Umm... well you bought that used. Buy directly from Amazon (new) and you won't have problems.

And Gracie decided to show up today and conveniently asked for Official style, which is what I was wearing anyway :3
Anyone have extra pumpkin pies? :/ (Obviously I can't get one over here...)
Anyone willing to sell me gold nuggets? I'm trying to complete the Gold set. Of course, if you have gold furniture that's not the wall light, chair or wallpaper, I could buy that too. NAME YOUR PRICES!
18 pages of everyone trading and having fun... And I'm just sitting here, waiting for when I get to play it
Seriously guys? Nobody here has an extra pumpkin pie for me? Or shaved-ice lamp? ;__;
Do you only have one character? :0

camoclone what would you like for it?