Wi-Fi Trades Ankorauray thread, (english speaker but Aqui se habla español)

How about a pwr belt, pwr anklet, pwer bracer, pwr belt, pwr lens, or pwr weight instead? (your choice)
I am VERY interested in your shiny Eevee/Eeveelutions on the condition that they're legit and not clones of one another.  Shiny Eeveelution wise, I'm interested in shiny Jolteon, and shiny Flareon (only if the Flareon is female).  Assuming they fulfil that condition, I will offer the following:

One of:
-Shiny Vaporeon* (LV 5, Adamant nature)
-Shiny Pikachu* (LV 1 (I think, too lazy to check), Brave nature)
-Shiny Linoone (LV 62, Adamant nature)
-Shiny Garchomp (LV 48, Niave nature)

*I will be willing to offer shiny Vaporeon and shiny Pichu together, if wanted.


Up to 4 of the following:
-4th gen starters. (Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar)
-Unown x5

All of the pokemon listed above are legit and not cloned.
sorry, they are not cloned one to another (except espeon, umbreon, jolteon)but i get each of them cloned from other people, and i don't see anything really want from your list to give you a legit not cloned one, anyway thanks for the offer
I just looked over your want list (dunno why I didn't sooner x.x) and saw one thing that I have that, according to your first post, you want. I have a legit US Dialga and both orbs. This is my last offer, seeing as it's my only hope, now. lol Anyways.... I'll offer Dialga, shiny Ho-oh (previously reserved for someone, but that person has become inactive, so it's not really reserved anymore), and both orbs for a legit, non-cloned shiny Eevee. If you don't want the shiny Ho-oh, I can try to find a US Palkia for ya in place of it.

PS - I didn't quite understand your previous post about the cloned ones. Are ALL of the shiny Eevee/Eeveelutions cloned, or is there at least one legit somewhere in there?
I have them but i dont want to trade them.

What else do you want for the Manaphy with Magmitizer??