The premium article program does NOT support the site (or me). 100% of the money goes to the article writers and editors.
We're here to build the best TCG community possible, which means pushing for an article program that can give out consistent advice from the game's top players. Due to the nature of the online community, top advice isn't free anymore, and that has nothing to do with what we at PokeBeach have made true. For nearly 13 years I have done everything I do on this site for free, and if I could have it my way, everything else would be that way too. But we have to face reality and adapt to the times, which means offering a premium article program so that we as a TCG site can still offer top advice to people who want it (because as I said before, top advice isn't free anymore, and this is the only way we can offer it). Our program is also different in that the writers actually sit down with you and help you with your deck lists.
Besides, you can still play in our tournaments and get FREE booster packs from TCGplayer! Or write articles and potentially win a FREE booster box from TCGplayer! Plus you can get advice from the FREE forums or the community blog, which should be starting to show up on the front page within the next few days. And who knows what else will be on the horizon...