Another Boy kills his parents for taking away his video games.

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paddy185 said:
I agree with Crystal Hikara-the parents were wrong to allow him to play that much video games. I think that it sort-of depends on the game he was playing in the first place-if he was playing something like MW2 or GTA or any 'killing spree' type of game, then that may have had an influence on what he did. But to play video games for the whole week.... The parents shouldn't have even let him play that much. Apparently you are supposed to only play them for about 1 hour. That long without any disciplinary action was sure to cause a problem, even the parents probably knew that.

i agree that the violent games influenced him to do such a bad thing, because it makes it seem fun while it is not the case it is something serious, they should ban that type of games, the ones where you just kill.
AlSO THE PARENTS DO HAVE SOME FAULT, my parent do not let me play those games, and one of the few times i got obssesed with games they made me forget it, but not necesarilly against me playing
Empoleon#1 said:
they should ban that type of games, the ones where you just kill.

They can't just ban them. Most popular games involve lots of killing. Why would you have such a strong opinion anyway?-

Empoleon#1 said:
my parent do not let me play those games

Well that explains it. Surely that's just your parent's opinion then?

In any case, mostly the kid's fault for being stupid but the parent's probably could've spotted something was wrong. Shouldn't be too harsh on the games. TV is worse.
i'm kinda torn with this one, deth by sledgehammer just sounds awesome, but to kill your parent's over a video game is rather stupid, instead they should have taught there child moral's or ideals that doing what is done in a video game is not acceptable in real life, or even an appropriate move for career advancement. cya
Another?? Does this happen often O_0

and thats completely ridiculous. That kid needs to be locked up or something. Why the heck would you do that just for video games.
wow thats hilarious but its sad at the same point
a kid killing over video games thats just another reason grand theft auto should be banned
lol jk
That's really sad. I wish that didn't have to happen.:(

That kid needs help. He's obviously not right in the head, and he needs to go to a phycologist. Jail time might not be a bad thing, but he needs help.

Why do violent video games have to exist? They send the wrong message to kids, and its getting worse. If everyone played Pokemon, the only bad thing that could happen would be throwing pokeballs at each other. Violent video games are awful, in my opinion.(I know i'll get attacked for saying this...)

I feel bad for the mom. I really feel bad that she had to go through that.
omahanime said:
Or maybe it is a crutch for those who don't have a life.

I have absolutely no social life outside of the internet. I play video games but am not addicted to them. I know and have known kids who play a lot of video games and don't have an outside social life either. I'm not different, they're not different; that kid in the article is different.
What has video games done to people these days?
This is like the 3rd or 4th time I heard something like this happen in ONE MONTH.
I honestly don't care what happens to this kid, even if it's a death sentence because he doesn't deserve to be free in the outside world.
paddy185 said:
So you're saying he doesn't deserve to be free because of mental issues?

He is 14 and he knows better. He wasted a life, and that's the baddest of the bad in the darkness.
Wow. You are the coldest of cold. I understand what he did was wrong and is a sin, but it's not even known if this kid had a mental disability, and you're saying he knows better. You have no exact impression of him aside from what you heard. He needs psych care, and yes, some years behind bars. But he still deserves a chance.

And also, you're blaming video games, like everyone else in the world. The games weren't the problem. The problem was that he wasn't prevented from getting addicted. His parents were probably the kind to let him play all he wanted so he'd stay out of trouble. Can't really blame games for how he was raised, can you?
I think he should get some psychological health. His lack of moderation between video games and other things seems like the main problem.
I would keep him under close watch until he recovers.
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