Ruling Another Mew ex problem


Aspiring Trainer
I've been getting back in to the game since I discovered TCGO, and it's been great. But today I ran in to a question I can't find an answer for.

My opponent was running a Versatile Mew Ex, which I confused with my Palpitoad. Every time she attacked using Versatile, the attack went off without a hitch-no confusion flip. If she tried to use the Redistribute, it would make her flip for the confusion.

Reading over the Ability text, status conditions don't stop her from using attacks she had energy for, but the game treated it like the power made all Versatile attacks immune to status conditions.

Is this a game glitch that needs to be reported? Or is it the way the Ability is supposed to work?

Thanks in advance.

This sounds like a game glitch as the ability grants the ability to use the attack, but the attack still resolves as an attack not an ability.

That sentence sounds funny in my head, but I think that's correct.

Additionally, in the future please provide links/scans of cards in question. As this was more a question of PTCGO though, it seems like a grey area.
Please place card scans. And yes, I agree that it sounds like a glitch. TCG Online is still pretty buggy in my experience although it is much nicer than it was just a couple of months ago. I once recently was in the middle of a game, it it randomly started a new game with another opponent right in the middle of the old one! (and it gave me 20 tokens for the daily PvP, 10 for both games. Go figure.)

I'm sure the online game will keep seeing improvements.
Sorry about that, I've added a scan to the first post. Thanks for the replies. I'll submit the bug to the game.
Well, they still claim it is a beta, I believe, so glitches are to be expected! I'm sure they appreciate people who take the time to report the bugs.
It's still beta, yes. As you assume, in order for Mew-EX to use the attack on Palpitoad (or any other card), you still need to do the confusion check as normal.

Do not take PTCGO as authoritative truth. It's not.