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Another Reshiphlosion Deck (Reshiram/Typhlosion)


Hey guys, so here I have my current Reshiphlosion decklist. Help would be appreciated :).

2-2 Ninetails (Roast Reveal) (Vulpix are UL)
4 Reshiram
3-1-3 Typhlosion Prime (Cyndaquil are from HGSS)
1 Zekrom

1 Dual Ball
3 Junk Arm
3 PlusPower
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Juniper
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Rare Candy
1 Revive
2 Sage's Training
2 Switch

2 Rescue Energy
12 Fire Energy

Before, we continue, yes, I am aware 4 Pokemon Collector is necessary.

Start out with Reshiram and set up Typhlosion as fast as possible. Set up Reshiram and have him start hitting for 120 T2. Ninetails to get fire energies in the discard pile and for draw power. Typhlosion because he's a boss and recycles your energy. Zekrom is in there in case I am up against Samurott, Feraligatr, Blastoise, etc. You know, all the basic Reshiphlosion stuff.

This deck is doing fine as it, I mean, I'm one of the best at my local league. But if someone would be so kind as to give me that extra push, I would appreciate it. Thank you :D.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Japan style? :p
Your list looks good but i would swap zekrom for a cleffa
Alright thank you :). Before I make changes, I'm gonna hear from other people though. Anybody else?