BW/BW2 Another Unconfirmed... Thing?

It is rumored that pokemon designers created over 1000 pokemon designs orignally so it wouldn't surprise me if this pokemon was one of those 1000's of pokemon remember pokemon don't always make it to the season they were orignally assigned to like shellos and gastrodon so maybe real maybe fake looks fake to me though
PokemonFreak44 said:
I personally think this is real, maybe it is part of another unleaked thing. Or it's another Pokemon the upcoming Pokemon Sunday episode may reveal! Who knows..or it could be fake. But please not another fire! Out of the seven new pokemon that were shown today and including the ones we knew about there are 6 (including the 3 evolved forms of the fire starter)..what about grass?! :(

i think its awesome. making up for the lack of fire pokemon in the last 2 gens. :p

but this is cute. :) weather it's fake or not, its cute.
it look real cuz it lpoks lleaked but the writing reminds me of mijumaru is evolution fake so at last it's very fakely done :D
Where did you find it?

Can't beleive there are going to be 157 new pokemon! That's more then we have ever had before in a generation!
It looks like it could be real! I hope it is! Oh! Another thing! Where did this come from? If it has a reliable source, we'd be able to know if it has a chance of being real or not.
TheAmazingGrass/SteelUser said:
didnt somebody ask 4 a rabbit/bunny that isnt a stripper


And to those of you asking where it's from, its URL is:
Of course its fake. If it hadn't been fake then it would be released already by the Pokemon website and we should be seeing it on other Pokemon websites as well as this. Its obviously fake. Many fakes are going around this time to fool people.
if thats real I will be so upset. I'm all for the cute Pokémon designs but I am SO SICK of rodents in these games.

pikachu, pichu, raichu, ratatta, ratticate, minun, plusle, loppuny, buneary, pachirisu, chiramii

if thats real I will be so upset. I'm all for the cute Pokémon designs but I am SO SICK of rodents in these games.

I'm so sick of all the Water pokemon. >:I

I like the design of this pokemon. Doesn't really scream Fire Type to me though.