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Another Zekrom eels with Mewtwo :/ assistence required

k klowners

Aspiring Trainer
After getting munched up by Swarms with Zekrom Eels, I decided to ditch the MTC deck and join the fellow swarms of Zekrom Eels...Joy. Heres my deck and leave comments below if you would like.

Trainers 31 (15 are supporters)
4 PONT (prof oaks new theory)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Prof Juniper
3 Switch
2 Sages Training
2 Twins
2 Pluspower (would like 3 or 4)
1 pokegear 3.0 (maybe 2)

Pokemon 15 (12 Basic)
4-3 Eelektrik
2 Zekrom ex (would like to add a third one maybe in case prized)
2 Mewtwo ex (would like to add a third one to better win wars or if prized)
2 Zekrom
2 Thunderus

Energy 14
from what i've seen, zekrom ex is become useless in eels now. too big and clunky even with energy accel.

thunderus is faster, and an amazing starter.

-1 zekrom ex
+1 thunderus

that is the perfect line imo.
also, in my eel decks i have ran a 2-2 dodrio line.
i would HIGHLY suggest trying it in here. it helps a lot when your eels get catcher'd & also when any of your pokemon get ko'd
(not many tried that idea from what i've seen and i think it takes eels to the next level)
I like dodrio but then I don't see what I could get rid of to add it in. I prefer skyarrow otherwise.
Glaceon said:
Please add the set number for the Tynamo.
I did, I said 4-3 Eelekrik. The 4 IS Tynamo. Any more ideas guys? I'm really wanting another pokegear or should I just junk arm it?
I think
-2 PONT (to make room for N since its also a good drawing supporter)
+2 N (good drawing supporter too since it can disrupt and is a good hand refresher. Also good in Durant matchups)

It looks pretty solid but maybe you should add another juniper or sage's to discard?