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Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph/Suicune)

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Actually a Ditto in disguise
Pokemon (10)
  • 4 Suicune PLB
  • 4 axew PLB
  • 3 Haxorus PLB
Trainers (37)
  • 2 tool scrapper
  • 4 rare candy
  • 4 ultraball
  • 4 silver mirror
  • 4 Skyla
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 3 N
  • 4 Juniper
  • 2 Ghetsis
  • 4 Switch
  • 4 Full Heal
Energy (13)
  • 5 Metal
  • 4 blend WLFM
  • 4 Fighting

Okay! So the point of the deck is to combat EX pokemon as well as Plasma pokemon. Suicune and Silver mirror do a good job accomplishing this. Haxorus is an instant knock out to Plasma pokemon (awesome against Genesect) also his first attack can be pretty good once you get 5 energy on him. The trainers are mostly to help out against hypnotoxics and catchers. Also the tool scrappers help against genesect getting the GBooster move. The full heal and switches are for against quad snorlax and any lazers. At the moment it seems kind of spread when it comes to all the trainers, so help with that would be awesome.
Would this deck actually work against competitive decks?

EDIT: Now uses suicune instead of Sigilyph
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

If you are running blend energy, you should not run 2 of the same types of energy that are also in the blend.
-4 fighting
+4 psychic

You already have 9 metal in the deck, already doing massive damage. The blend really helps with both attacks whilst fighting is just an added waste of space. By adding psychic energy you can now attack with sigilyph.
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

I was wondering about that.
I edited the deck list to match that.

EDIT: What if i switched out sigilyph for the new suicune ?

Then I can more effectively use the blend energy
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

I think that Sigilyph is better against deoxys, can be searched by level balls and has a lower retreat cost BUT the energy type makes suicune more playable here! Maybe you should run some float stones to help the flow between suicune haxorus (when the opponent plays plasma and when he plays an EX)
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

What would be best to take out to make room for float stones? Maybe a mix of tool scrapper, full heal and switch?
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

Bruno Benetti said:
I think that Sigilyph is better against deoxys, can be searched by level balls and has a lower retreat cost BUT the energy type makes suicune more playable here! Maybe you should run some float stones to help the flow between suicune haxorus (when the opponent plays plasma and when he plays an EX)

Sigilyph doesn't OHKO Deoxys unless Deoxys has 4+ Energy on it, which it won't have under normal circumstances. The list also runs no Level Balls and plays 4 Switch, so there is really not a good reason to play Sigilyph over Suicune.
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

Alrighty, I switched suicune in for Sigilyph. I'm going to test this on playtcg and see how it goes.

EDIT: Well this absolutely obliterates big basic plasmas. That is unless I get donked with the axew.
Cards I want to consider putting in would be enhanced hammer, bicycle (instead of juniper), twist mountain (anti-virbank) and some sort of ball to help get axew out besides ultra ball.

Darkrai w/ lazers: Again this deck fared well, but if I don't get a good set up axew can be sniped. Suicune can OHKO Sableye and with the mirror be protected against absol. So if all my axews die off,I can still get through with use of switches and full heals for the lazers.

I started thinking about mirror matches and I think I found the solution:

KO a suicune and can survive one suicune hit.
I'm loving this deck.
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

If you're worried about getting donked you could add a 4th Axew, this increae chances of starting with more than 1 basic. It will also help you set up Haxorus more consistently.
I took out a N to make a full set of axew. I think the N was the only thing expendable.

The price of haxorus is going up on troll and toad I see..
If you want Axew search go Level Ball. I'd go at least 3 of them. I'd do:

-1 Rare Candy
-1 Switch
-1 Ultra Ball
+3 Level Ball
Hope I helped!
Thanks for that, but I think with 4 ultraballs and axew I'll be fine getting set up. If suicune was 90 hp (which i think sigilyph is) I'd be more comfortable with level balls.
RE: Anti-Meta deck (Haxorus and Sigilyph)

ryter78 said:
I started thinking about mirror matches and I think I found the solution:
> Mirror Matches
I actually thought of adding Froslass PLB http://pokebeach.com/scans/plasma-blast/23-froslass.jpg
It stops Plasma Decks ... sort of... it also has potential to build up damage

Use scans from our website, not a competitors. Link changed to ours.~KA
But lots of the time Colress Machine is used, which I think by passes Froslass.

Ack! The thread ressurection! Such foul, black magic, indeed! Woe is me! Woe is me! Why must we be plagued by such things! This cannot continue. A year dead this thread was, and yet a sorcerer hath brought it back from the earthly grave from which it was sent. Hear ye, hear ye! I will use a counterspell upon this defaced thread and lock it away forever more!

Bakudo number one, Sai!

*Thread becomes locked*
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