Anti-meta Deck?


I've been working on this concept for a bit, and I think I have a pretty good concept for an anti-meta deck.

2-2-2 Ampharos (PL-PL-PL)
4 Absol Prime
2-2 Blaziken FB
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
2 Solrock TM
2 Lunatone SV
1 Lucario GL
3-2/1 Umbreon (RR-UD/Prime)
1 Espeon Prime

While I'm still working on the trainer list, this should obviously be used in conjunction with things like Judge, Warp Point, and Miasma Valley. The main point of this deck to get a massive power lock going with some spread mixed in, which will hurt things like Luxchomp a lot. The Pokemon in this deck are used for different reasons, which I will list for each:

Ampharos PL- Obviously used for the power lock, using things like Absol Prime, Miasma Valley, and even Lunatone and Flaafy (considering Memory Berry for this strategy). Also used to one shot a non-belted Gyarados in conjunction with Lucario GL, though I'd prefer to have this active as little as possible.

Absol Prime- I suppose you would call it the "main attacker", since in a lot of matchups it will need to be active for a majority of the time. Against Luxchomp, you have to get damage on their Luxray and Garchomp before they are able to level up to prevent the use of their powers. Also helps against matchups with low HP basics; once Miasma Valley pops up, Gyarados has no way to recover with this guy active unless they're also playing Dialga, something I've never really heard of. Vicious Claw is nothing laugh at either, 70 damage for 2 energy is pretty good, and since some cards are only required for certain matchups it's fairly easy to find something to pitch to the Lost Zone.

Blaziken FB- One of the best anti-meta cards there is. Runs off a very low energy cost, and can pull up such things as Dialga G, Vileplume, Regice, and other high retreat bench sitters to set up for a potential KO on the next turn with a very powerful Jet Shoot. Integral to the deck as it's a Dialga counter, something that the deck otherwise gets destroyed by.

Uxie and Azelf should be fairly obvious, for draw and prize fishing.

Solrock and Lunatone- Anti-heal cards, and can work wonderfully in an anti-meta setting. Preventing damage from Lv.Xs is pretty nice, as you can throw Lunatone up as a wall against certain decks that rely heavily on Lv.Xs. In addition, Lunatone can do some spreading in a pinch though it's something I'm hoping not to be reliant on.

Lucario is to force a x2 weakness to get easier KOs on things like Gyarados.

Umbreon/Espeon- Further anti-meta antics here, Umbreon will screw over decks like Charizard and Donphan (who will otherwise wreck this deck). Espeon and Umbreon Prime are there to help the Machamp matchup. While it doesn't fix things entirely, it will get a one shot on Machamp SF with either an extra Eeveelution in play or an Expert Belt, and get 10 HP away from the KO on Machamp Prime, and that's assuming there's no prior damage on them, which is likely to have happened. It's not perfect, but the best I can get for now without totally clogging the deck.
Looks good, though I'd definitely put in Uxie Lv.X and some more Pokémon for Absol's attack. Definitely Miasma Valley and basic staples (Collector, Luxury, Communictions, etc.)
More Pokemon would probably help, yeah. I'm looking at a 2-2 Umbreon UD with Espeon Prime attatched to it, which would bring me up to 29 Pokemon... it's a bit steep, but I suppose you need a lot to be pitching. Uxie X... that's a card I really just don't wanna buy, though it's a good idea.

EDIT: I've looked at the deck a bit, and determined that the best way to do this may be to drop the Mismagius in favor of a 2-2 Umbreon UD with an Umbreon and Espeon Prime which will allow for a lock on decks like Donphan and Charizard while supplying a psychic Pokemon with a good amount of power to be able to take on Machamp.
Umbreon helps tech against lots of stuff, so that's probably a good choice.
Which Eevee are you going to use? If it were me, I'd run 1 Call for Family (UD) and 1 Signs of Evolution (RR), but I think the first would be benificial in more situations for this deck.
What about the ANTI thing against machamp and donphan?

Those one hit KO your main attacker.

Even with Miasma Valley and Absol prime, you can t prevent gyrados. They will just take out the Stadium. For that, I d suggest you to put an 1-0-1 or 1-1-1 line of Metagross SV. You will understand when you see the card.

Now, normal SP decks runs Dialga. So...
If you want to counter it with Blaziken, they will own it before you get set.

I actually like really much your idea but i just try to tell you what it does not work. I am not trying to be the mean guy in the post. I just want to help you.
Yeah, I would put Umbreon in there. It's Donphan's auto-loss. (If they don't run a counter)
Belted Phanpy? Although I'd bet I'll be under trainer lock in anti-meta, Phanpy kills your Umbreon :3

I would run 2 CFF Eevee because I like a larger bench.

Alright so I updated the post with the new skeleton, I know 29 Pokemon is a lot but it's necessary to have cards to dump with Absol. Umbreon should be able to handle Donphan. I've heard of Relicanth being run in Donphan to counter Umbreon, but it shouldn't be too hard to revenge it with a benched Absol Prime or something of the sort, considering it doesn't have much HP. Espeon is there to counter the Machamp, though I'm sure there's better ways to go about it.
Gyarados will either be playing dialga, luxray, reversal or pokeblowers. All they have to do is replace miasma with BTS OR bring up a benched pokemon instead of absol and they can recover.
Consider timing when playing this deck you want SP to leave Dialga G lvl X active so you can 1 shot it with Blaziken. also the deck was originally called HOPE.