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Anti Meta-Game (Flareon / Raichu / Drifblim / Garbodor)


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Novice/Intermediate:

  • 4 Eevee PLS
  • 3 Flareon PLS
  • 1 Leafon PLS
  • 2 Pikachu X/Y
  • 2 Raichu X/Y
  • 2 Drifloon DRX
  • 2 Drifblim DRX
  • 1 Trubbish LTR
  • 1 Garbodor LTR
  • 1 Mr. Mime PLS
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 2 Random Reciever
  • 2 Frozen City
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 1 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Escape Rope
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Professors Letter
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Fire

So as you can see by the list, the strategy is simply counter what you come up against - obviously not all bases are covered, but I feel fairly comfortable with what I have... However, there are things that are wrong with this list that I want to fix but not sure how...

Firstly, there is no Ace Spec... Which is ridiculous I know, but... A) Don't know what to have, B) Not sure there's anything i'd want to take out to put anything in!

Secondly, I really want room for a Keldeo EX - to counter fire pokemon. Not sure again what to take out though. If I were to put in a Keldeo I would swap out the fire energies for water energies, as a Keldeo with only one water energy and a DCE + muscle band = 180 for weakness.

Finally, I want more enhanced hammers. Special energies are everywhere. I want to get 2 minimum in there, ideally three.

What do I have in there that I don't need? Or what can I put in there that I haven't thought about. I have also considered taking out Flareon completely and switching to a 4/4 Vulpix/Ninetales DRX line which would be more effective in my opinion, just don't have the cards yet.

Your views/opinions would be much appreciated, cheers.


Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
Hey man, so I play almost this exact same deck. The exception is mine isn't played specifically to counter the match ups. I mean, yeah I use tech Pokemon for every different powerful archetype out there. Here's my deck list:

Pokemon - 24
4 Eevee PLF
4 Flareon PLF
2 Leafeon PLF
2 Terrakion LTR (NVI is the same card so it's also legal. I play NVI full art but only because it looks cool)
2-2 Garbodor DRX
2-2 Raichu XY
2-2 Drifblim (1 from DRX, 1 from PLB)
2 Exeggcute PLF

Trainers - 28
4 Juniper
3 Shauna
2 Skyla
2 Colress
1 Scoop Up Cyclone
4 Ultra Ball
1 Super Rod
3 Enhanced Hammer
2 Float Stone
4 Silver Bangle
1 Professor's Letter
1 Escape Rope

Energy - 8
4 Fighting
4 Double Colorless

Now, since you say it's an "Anti Meta Deck", you'll need ways to tech against the most popular decks in the format. Some examples include Blastoise, Darkrai/Yveltal, Plasma, VirGen, and RayBoar.

You have decent techs against most of these already, but I would suggest that you add in more of certain cards to enhance consistency.

Techs against Blastoise that you have:
Garbodor's Garbotoxin (Cancels abilities but make it 2-2)
Leafeon (Energy Crush can DESTROY Keldeo since it's usually always loaded up with energy)

Against Darkrai/Yveltal:
Raichu (Does a crap ton of damage against Yveltal EX)
You need to add in Terrakion with Revenge to KO Darkrai EX meaning you'd have to have Fighting Energy rather than Fire Energy
Garbotoxin (2-2)

Against Plasma:
Enhanced Hammer (Discard of DCE's, Prisms, and Plasma Energies)
Driflblim DRX (50 Damage times special energy in the discard which is pretty much all of what Plasma runs)
Consider adding a Drifblim PLB to counter Plasma. It's ability basically lets it hit for 70 damage for free so long as your opponent has 3 Plasma Pokemon out on the field.

Against VirGen:
Again, Garbotoxin

Against RayBoar:
Garbotoxin to counter Inferno Fandango
Possibly Leafeon

Things to consider:
-1 Switch
-1 Escape Rope (3 switching cards is a little much)
+2 Terrakion (Tech against Darkrai)
-4 Fire Energy
+4 Fighting Energy
-1 Drifblim DRX
+1 Drifblim PLB
-2 Random Receiver
-2 Frozen City
+1 Trubbish
+1 Garbodor DRX
+1 Flareon
+1 Leafeon
-2 Muscle Band
+2 Silver Bangle (EX's often need that little extra damage boost to get a KO on)
-1 Level Ball
-1 Mr. Mime (This deck has a lot of "Glass Cannons" that'll just get KO'd anyway although you may still run him)
+1 Dowsing Machine or Scoop Up Cyclone

That leaves you with just 1 extra slot to work with if you take out the Mime. If not then there's no extra space.

Sorry about the lack of reason, I couldn't really think of anything to say other than "it's a great tech against this archetype or it's a great tech against that archetype."

Hope this helps,
That does help, thats great thanks. I've all ready looked to take out Mr Mime and thicken up the Leafon and Flareon line.. Professors letter has been dropped too - no need for it when only running 4 energy to search for. I was thinking instead of Terrakion to put in Sawk? Good for Thundurus, and searchable with level ball - and for one fighing and a DCE can take out any 180 HP weakness?
If you don't know what ace spec to add, do this:

-1 Ultra Ball
+1 Computer Search

Comp search is literally better in every aspect, it's just a better ultra ball

Give Terrakion a try; he's great because if you bench him you'll just scare off Darkrai and Thundurus; they won't even try to challenge you there.
Also, you don't really need Sawk as Drifblim DRX and PLB are your counters to Plasma. While Sawk can deal 180 damage with weakness, Drifblim PLB can 2HKO Thundurus EX with Silver Bangle early game and Drifblim DRX can possibly OHKO a late game Thundurus EX or Lugia EX with its Shadow Steal attack for just 1 Energy. As for the ACE SPEC, I would take @OblivionDvdr's advice and use Computer Search. You do need cards that discard Pokemon as frequently as possible (so long as you don't discard WAY too many) so I would use Computer Search or Dowsing Machine depending on your play style. If you like to play with a really fast setup, use Computer Search. If you like to play games safely and consider your options carefully, like myself, then use Dowsing Machine. They're both the most powerful and versatile ACE SPECS in the game right now so either is great. Take the Mime out for these by the way.

-1 Mr.Mime
+1 Computer Search or Dowsing Machine

Hope this helps,
2/2 bangle muscle band is pretty decent it makes it so your matchups are 50/50 in the favor of playing against both rouge and tier decks. I think hammers are useless in this format, it's only use seems to be against rouge decks but where meta decks are concerned they bank on the fact that you discard energy to add something to there engine, blastoise, plasma and darkrai included.

If your more into discarding as many pokemon as possible dowsing, dowsing for a 5th ultra ball or a 5th juniper.

I don't agree with your comment about the hammers 100%. Enhanced Hammer is in there mostly for match ups against Plasma and DarkAroma, giving Drifblim DRX the chance to hit for more damage when discarding Prism, Plasma, and DCE against Plasma and discarding Prism and Rainbow when playing against DarkAroma. I'm not saying that they'll help in every matchup, but since this is a deck designed to troll the meta, you'll want and need counters to everything.

Respectfully yours,
You mentioned ninetales in your first post, and that works excellently with Raichu. I have been using that with the eeveelution thing (Flareon/Leafeon) and it works pretty well. In my experiences, my balloons haven't done too much work for me, but I'm still testing them. LaserBank is a lot more damage for this deck, and you can really sing hard with ninetales. It's a tricky deck to play because you've gotta be very careful with resources.

This kind of deck (anti-meta stage 1 decks) are very personal and metagame oriented; a heavy Drifblim line is more useful, whereas if you have tons of Yveltal decks, you may want extra Raichu, or fig your meta has tons of blastiose/Emboar, make sure you've got Garbodor.

Basically what I'm trying to say is test everything you want to try, and then test again and again and again. There are no perfect answers for the lines to run in here, and which to run (like dugtrio, ninetales, ect) so it'll just take testing. This deck itself is really just a gutsy metagame call; if you call it right, flareon will mow down VirGen and Drifblim will kill plasma (assuming those decks are popular). Conversely, you could have a thick Drifblim line and then run into exclusively Darkrai/Yveltal decks.

This deck has so many good options, but it just comes down to personal preference. Make sure to consider (or even try) ideas that people give to you for it, because you may like them, but this deck is yours, so just make it personal and enjoy it.
Your right it won't help in every matchup probably not in any matchup if your opponent is a good plasma player. A good plasma player will assume that and just play thundy, full bench of deoxys a muscle band (and maybe a laser, it seems to be a popular add in), taking out all of your balloons while only dropping basic energy at the drop of a flip and amassing a hand full of energy and lugias to take the last 4+ prizes in 2+ turns, then again that is if you get the kind of powerfully consistent start that you want, if not your eggs will be scrambled and very burnt.

Yours truly, yoyos.