Anti Metagame?


Aspiring Trainer
So, in my area the metagame is largely gyrados and SP (mainly SP) with a few vilegar and other rouges. I was thinking about what decks could counter this, and I came up with flychamp. If anyone has any thoughts on anti meta-decks in an SP dominated area please speak up!
Flychamp relied quite heavily on Claydol to be able to function well enough to keep up with the format at the time (though i have yet to test an MD-On version) VileGar trainer locks and has resistance against Flygon as well as type advantage over Champ, coupled with Fainting Spell, how you think this counters Vilegar is beyond me. Gyarados has higher damage output and superior recovery which Flychamp doesn't. Your only decent match-up is SP (which Flychamp was built to counter). Flychamp can no longer stand up against the metagame.

The best way to counter those said decks would be Sablelock w/ Blaziken FB tech. G-dos hates early game hand disruption, it can fight SP somewhat on par provided you can disrupt accordingly combined with aggro support from blazy fb lvX. And against vilegar? well, all decks hate hand disruption and bad draws plus the type advantage (kinda) and ability to dispose of Vileplume (Blazy fb) should help the match-up.
I think I could have been clearer in the OP, my metagame is mainly and largely SP with a few Gyrados here and there, and 1 or 2 vilegar or rouge. For example I went to cities yesterday, played one vilegar first round who finished like 2-4 or something low, and 1 G-dos and 6 or 7 SP decks. The top 8 was 7 luxchomp and me. Flygon counters G-dos in my opinion by discarding there BTS for a free turn and KOing them next turn with power swing.
It isn't really a hard counter but it does indeed by some time, though just bare in mind that G-dos lists tend to run 4 BTS and any wise G-dos player would always keep 1 Magikarp benched for manual evolving if they see Flygon, it may reduce their damage output but they're still 2HKO'ing Flygon.
So this is what the metagame would look like:

Mainly: SP
Few: Gyarados
Little: Vilegar + Rogue

There's a couple options for you to take (without sacrificing huge consistency from your deck choice).

Dialga/Chomp does excellent against Vilegar and Rogue, and if you tech for anti-SP, then it's certainly a viable choice.

Luxray/Garchomp does excellent against Gyarados, and if you tech it for anti-SP, then it's certainly a viable choice. Luxray has the advantage of being able to tech better, however. You can easily fit in a 1-1 Dialga G Lv.X for VileGar (be sure to play plenty of Power Spray!) or a 1-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X for certain decks like Dialga, Steelix, or Scizor.

Blaziken/Luxray works similarly as well. It can go toe to toe with Gyarados when you go aggro Luxray, and it can also put a lot of pressure on Vilegar by bringing it up each turn and getting around Fainting Spell with possible Burn.

Some great anti-SP techs are Ambipom G, Dragonite FB, Toxicroak G Promo and even lesser played ones like Honckrow SV.

Even though your meta sounds mostly SP, I would tend to avoid playing Machamp/Donphan and similar decks (like Flygon/Donphan). They may have a slightly better matchup against SP, but they have a horrible matchup against Gyarados (take it from my friend who has played both and never beaten a Gyarados). Vilegar is also troubling for both, I would assume. SP is the safer, all around good deck choice because it doesn't overtly sacrifice other matchups.

dmaster out.
HoPe from what I heard only works with certain people's playstyles so you would have to test for a while to see if it works for you. I think VileGar could do well in your area just make sure to use the lv X to get rid of all the other X's when you can.
HoPe is a bad suggestion as 1 in every 1000th player's know how the deck functions and understand it's play style, its the worst Idea to offer in taking out Luxchomp, it's a million time's harder then operating sablock (which most sp decks are pretty easy to understand with enough play time).

I come from a very similar meta, the best thing I can prescribe is fight fire with fire (not a complete mirror match but close enough). flychamp is a relic, it's nowhere near as fast enough to come close to competing with a league topper deck and there's always usually 6 in any heavy luxchomp dominated meta. But I agree with Dmaster, alot of sp player's have gotten wise to anti-sp strategy's so beware. And be original, coming up with an unnamed deck strategy is half the fun of playing the game. cya
HoPe is the best anti-metagame deck I have ever seen or played. You just have to know how to use it. Luxchomp is the one of the easiest matchups since it is so predictable.