Antique Cover Fossil, Carracosta from Stellar Miracle!


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Antique Cover Fossil, Tirtouga, and Carracosta have been revealed from Stellar Miracle! Stellar Miracle releases in Japan on 19 July 2024. We expect the cards from Stellar Miracle to become part of the international set Stellar Crown, which releases on September 13th.
Tirtouga – Water – HP100
Stage 1 – Evolves from Old Cover Fossil
[W][W] Splashing Turn: 70 damage. Switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 3

Carracosta – Water – HP160
Stage 2 – Evolves from Tirtouga
Ability: Primal Knowledge
Your Pokémon’s attacks do 30 more damage to your opponent’s Active Evolution Pokémon (before applying Weakness and...

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The day fossils become good, is the day they print a fossil-archetype stadium that has the same effect as Broken Time-Space. That's the only one they'll EVER become playable
Can you rare candy from a fossil to a stage 2 or is that not allowed?
You can (or at least they let you on TCGL)

The problem with the fossil cards is that they do not count as a basic Pokémon unless they are in play, so it is unsearchable with buddy-buddy poffin, great ball, ultra ball, etc. You would have to use an item search such as Arven or Irida.

If you really wanted to go hardcore, Omastar V is still legal.
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You can (or at least they let you on TCGL)

The problem with the fossil cards is that they do not count as a basic Pokémon unless they are in play, so it is unsearchable with buddy-buddy poffin, great ball, ultra ball, etc. You would have to use an item search such as Arven or Irida.

If you really wanted to go hardcore, Omastar V is still legal.
Ah I see, I hope they do more things with fossil cards cause I really like amaura and auroarus but they haven't done anything with those guys for ages
As far as I see, you can use rare candy from the fossil into Carracosta.
And the fossil will be in your hand after a few pokéspins.
I think the attack on the Tirtouga is Flip Turn, the move in the games, instead of the current Splashing Turn translation.
Fossil Pokémon get so shafted. All stage 2 except Aerodactyl. Not searchable with Pokémon search cards. They should either make the fossils basics or even better just take the fossil out and make the stage 1 the basic. This would be a decent card if it was a stage 1 but being a stage 2 and you can't search it's basic makes it unusable. Make fossils great again!