Antique Cover Fossil, Carracosta from Stellar Miracle!

I still Absolutely Hate the non-functional Evolves Into boxes on the new fossils. Why would they think printing lies directly onto a card is a good idea?
it isn't even a lie to begin with. the idea that text on one card needs to also align with rules suggested on another card isn't hard for anyone to understand unless they're reaching for things to complain about. next you'll complain that it can't evolve into any "Restored Pokemon", who have their own methods for being put into play written on them, doing your best not to consider that it's perfectly reasonable to want both cards in an interaction to agree with each other (especially considering they could be cards printed over twenty years apart and never share a format where both are legal) and that it would be seen as perfectly reasonable essentially literally anywhere else.

to give you a demonstration of how silly this line of thinking is when applied anywhere else, allow me to enter my patented "strawman mode" here:
HUHHH? why do they keep making effects that let me put water pokemon directly into play if they aren't going to work on Palafin ex? Kingdra ex is a lie! why is Palafin ex an evolution Pokemon if i can't evolve it???? i am very silly!
Not saying Kindra ex is another Lugia ofc not. But it's funny how the two whirlpool pokemon can cheat the fossil pokemon. The art for the fossil itself is gorgeous definitely a step up
Seriosly ? This couldve been flat +30 dmg to evryone and it would still not see play, they has to add the "to the active evolution pokémon" to make sure it's Bad 💀

How Can they look at this and Say "ah yes this is just as strong as archeops" stage 2 fossils need to be really strong to be worth it.

Like maybe flat +60 but you Can't have two of them simultanously ? Idk
it isn't even a lie to begin with. the idea that text on one card needs to also align with rules suggested on another card isn't hard for anyone to understand unless they're reaching for things to complain about. next you'll complain that it can't evolve into any "Restored Pokemon", who have their own methods for being put into play written on them, doing your best not to consider that it's perfectly reasonable to want both cards in an interaction to agree with each other (especially considering they could be cards printed over twenty years apart and never share a format where both are legal) and that it would be seen as perfectly reasonable essentially literally anywhere else.

to give you a demonstration of how silly this line of thinking is when applied anywhere else, allow me to enter my patented "strawman mode" here:
HUHHH? why do they keep making effects that let me put water pokemon directly into play if they aren't going to work on Palafin ex? Kingdra ex is a lie! why is Palafin ex an evolution Pokemon if i can't evolve it???? i am very silly!
Palafin ex doesn't bother me because it calls itself out as exception to normal conventions. The new fossils being incompatible with (only) the Restored Pokemon would mildly disappoint me, but they also call themselves out with the exact same phrasing.

Still, every prior usage of the Evolves Into box was on a card that overrode the default Evolution rules. It wasn't even just for Babies evolving into Basics, they used it to make a backward-compatible Fossil. And I realize you think Creatures shouldn't be bound by decisions they made so long ago, but even if those old cards didn't exist, it wouldn't be "very silly" to think that text printed on a card - text that refers to game mechanics, not pure flavor text like Pokedex entries - might mean something instead of literally nothing.
Still, every prior usage of the Evolves Into box was on a card that overrode the default Evolution rules. It wasn't even just for Babies evolving into Basics, they used it to make a backward-compatible Fossil. And I realize you think Creatures shouldn't be bound by decisions they made so long ago, but even if those old cards didn't exist, it wouldn't be "very silly" to think that text printed on a card - text that refers to game mechanics, not pure flavor text like Pokedex entries - might mean something instead of literally nothing.
Baby Pokemon evolve into Pokemon without stated contradictory evolutionary requirements. Buried Fossil contains text explicitly explaining that it circumvents specific text seeking "Mysterious Fossil" found on other cards, not just boiler plate text about it evolving into Omanyte, Kabuto, or Aerodactyl. hope this helps!
Baby Pokemon evolve into Pokemon without stated contradictory evolutionary requirements. Buried Fossil contains text explicitly explaining that it circumvents specific text seeking "Mysterious Fossil" found on other cards, not just boiler plate text about it evolving into Omanyte, Kabuto, or Aerodactyl. hope this helps!
I understand what you're saying about Buried Fossil. I think part of our disagreement is that I still see Baby Pokemon as overriding the default rules of playing/evolving Pokemon rather than contradiction-free. Maybe I'm just wrong! If that's the case, we're left with Fossils that are forward compatible with hypothetical future Basic Kabuto/Omanyte/Aerodactyl, but those are the sort of cross-generational interactions Creatures clearly wants to avoid, and the boxes definitely don't serve a real world purpose right now. So why did they reintroduce them at all?
So why did they reintroduce them at all?
no idea. if they hadn't put the more conveniently searchable "Antique" tag into the names of these new fossil trainer cards, i would have guessed it could be to reference something to the effect of "[do something with] a card that evolves into [list of guys]", but we're infinitely more likely to get effects that interact with "Antique". it might just be as simple as a desire to indicate which fossils evolve into which pokemon. something i have always thought is a little interesting is that effects of the likes of Pokemon Breeder and Rare Candy operate on the assumption that players will possess precursory knowledge of a full evolution line without anything on the cards involved with the interaction actually containing the full information involved to use them.

at this point, the only thing i'd really want to see happen is text on Fossil trainer cards and/or even potentially Stage 1 fossil guys (except probably not Aerodactyl) is text allowing you to put them into play during setup, similar to Snorlax Doll. would ease their playability a great deal without completely sucking the soul out of them conceptually.
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What they really need to do, once and for all, it to cut out the fossil trainer “basic” junk. Make the stage 1 a basic as it should have been all along and the stage 2 a stage 1. There’s zero reason for anyone in their right mind to continue with a horrible, flawed, way too many hoops to jump through design dating back to the original Fossil set over 20 years ago. And for Pokemon that aren’t even that generally good.
What they really need to do, once and for all, it to cut out the fossil trainer “basic” junk. Make the stage 1 a basic as it should have been all along and the stage 2 a stage 1. There’s zero reason for anyone in their right mind to continue with a horrible, flawed, way too many hoops to jump through design dating back to the original Fossil set over 20 years ago. And for Pokemon that aren’t even that generally good.
the complete soul extraction in question
The day fossils become good, is the day they print a fossil-archetype stadium that has the same effect as Broken Time-Space. That's the only one they'll EVER become playable
err, fossil lab made them extremely playable.

I'm going to double down on the fossil gimmick actually being kinda sweet overall. You can't catch these guys in the usual way, you need to restore them. Its cool.