DPPt/HGSS Any1 wanna trade come here plz =)

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I trust in all my pokemon even this1 v.v
am offering some pokemon like:1 Latios lv53/1 infernape lvl36/1 moltres lvl51/1 uxie lvl50/phinoe (for this pokemon i will get any lvl between lvl 1-20 and for how many i have i can as many as i can by breeding my manaphy)/1 shinygolem lvl52.....For wat i want here is the list or watever u want to call it. u can trade for latios for:a articuno lvl 50-55/for infernape:a empoleon lvl 32 only/moltres:a suicune lvl50/uxie:a mespirt lvl 50 and up/phione:roilu lvl1-20/and for shiny golem:if u can a shiny dexoys lvl 30. Am new at this so i hope u didn't expect anything fancy :p
and if u wanted to no this no these r not hacked pokemon
wat do you want for your Shiny Golem....the whole paragraph is really confusing!
am sry its confusing:( but am new to this but if u want the golem u could trade anything i wanted for in shiny or a shiny deoxys
i can give you an Infernape, Riolu, Empoleon, Phione, and much more! A Moltres etc.....I am willing to trade all these for Shiny Golem!
in the 3rd reply i said if u want the shiny golem u must trade me the pokemon i wanted but for roilu he must be shiny or the other pokemon in non-shiny sry if any 1 got confused
shiny eevee for shiny golem? Please format your thread. It is very confusing. Use the example my player page that WPM has offered.
Señor Noobnerd said:
Please model your first post (edit it) after this thread. Thanks!

I can see you still haven't changed your format. It would be easier to understand and comply with the rules/guidelines more.
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