XY Anyone else dislike parts of this game?

Teal said:
Only 3DS. Believe it.

This should be the new 3DS slogan.

MistahFuji said:
A lot of people are talking about the ugly graphics and rough edges.... But you have to remember the trailer is blown up for the internet.... It should (hopefully) look amazingly sharp and wholesome on your 3ds/xl screen.

Yeah, pretty much all 3DS footage is this way. Like, watch the trailer on a phone, and I'd imagine it looks quite good.
I hated Gen. 5 when they first announced it, I thought it was absolutely rediculous, but as the game was released, the anime was released, and time went by, I really grew to like them. I happen to actually like how Gen 6 is starting though, but I totally know how you are feeling. I think if you give it time and maybe try watching the anime, you'll start creating a more personal experience with the Pokemon/characters you see, and end up liking it. Don't be afraid to come participate in the Anime forums while you're at it. ;-)

As for something I don't like, I don't care for Chespin's poor design and more importantly, the male player's character. It looks so similar to the B/W2 one and I'm sorry, but I would love to see him resemble someone a little older regardless of if this game is intended for a younger audience.
Do you guys remember Pokemon Staidium 1 & 2 and Colosseum and XD? The 6 th generation games will be in some way like those 4 games except they will be on the 3DS rather than the Gamecube and the Wii XD.:)
You know, I'm the opposite to most of this. I don't like the 3D. Cel-shading looks fine, but the overall change to models is worrying me. Now I'm not against going to 3D, so hear me out.

We have had 2D sprites for 17 years now. 3D models have been used in Stadium, Stadium 2, Colosseum, XD and Battle Revolution (Main games anyway). These 3D games has little to no overworld (if there was it was often bland), battles took forever, and the models only looked good as of Battle Revolution. Now I know the 3D games weren't that well recieved, especially to me, I can't stand them in honesty, which is why I think forcing 3D on us isn't a good thing. Unless I can see this working, running as smoothly as Generation V, and not dragging like the other 3D games did, then all will be well.
Oh yeah, there was one thing I dislike, the male trainer design. He looks too much like Hilbert and Nate, I'm sick of the male character almost always looking similar to every other male character in existence. The only one that's even remotely unique is Brendan.
GymLeaderSean said:
You know, I'm the opposite to most of this. I don't like the 3D. Cel-shading looks fine, but the overall change to models is worrying me. Now I'm not against going to 3D, so hear me out.

We have had 2D sprites for 17 years now. 3D models have been used in Stadium, Stadium 2, Colosseum, XD and Battle Revolution (Main games anyway). These 3D games has little to no overworld (if there was it was often bland), battles took forever, and the models only looked good as of Battle Revolution. Now I know the 3D games weren't that well recieved, especially to me, I can't stand them in honesty, which is why I think forcing 3D on us isn't a good thing. Unless I can see this working, running as smoothly as Generation V, and not dragging like the other 3D games did, then all will be well.

Although I disagree about the quality of the 3D games (I loved them), I think that 17 years of sprites is enough. The sprites, while nice, are still limited. With 3D, we should see more animation of the faces (expressions) during the story. I think they'll keep the option to turn battle animations off, why wouldn't they? So I think that solves the "lengthy battles" complaint... Stadium and Battle Revolution battles are kinda supposed to be that way, so you can admire in awe of your amazing Pokemon moves and stuff... Basically, it was suppose to mesmerize you while giving you access to Wi-Fi battles.

Personally, I embrace the changes, it's the only way to keep the series feeling fresh. 2D was great, but I welcome handheld 3D games.
SuperArtNinja said:
GymLeaderSean said:
You know, I'm the opposite to most of this. I don't like the 3D. Cel-shading looks fine, but the overall change to models is worrying me. Now I'm not against going to 3D, so hear me out.

We have had 2D sprites for 17 years now. 3D models have been used in Stadium, Stadium 2, Colosseum, XD and Battle Revolution (Main games anyway). These 3D games has little to no overworld (if there was it was often bland), battles took forever, and the models only looked good as of Battle Revolution. Now I know the 3D games weren't that well recieved, especially to me, I can't stand them in honesty, which is why I think forcing 3D on us isn't a good thing. Unless I can see this working, running as smoothly as Generation V, and not dragging like the other 3D games did, then all will be well.

Although I disagree about the quality of the 3D games (I loved them), I think that 17 years of sprites is enough. The sprites, while nice, are still limited. With 3D, we should see more animation of the faces (expressions) during the story. I think they'll keep the option to turn battle animations off, why wouldn't they? So I think that solves the "lengthy battles" complaint... Stadium and Battle Revolution battles are kinda supposed to be that way, so you can admire in awe of your amazing Pokemon moves and stuff... Basically, it was suppose to mesmerize you while giving you access to Wi-Fi battles.

Personally, I embrace the changes, it's the only way to keep the series feeling fresh. 2D was great, but I welcome handheld 3D games.

Valid point, except that so far we have seen very limited models for actual characters, and also, something I noticed. Trainers still stand at the side of the road staring into space. That looks even dumber in 3D. :/
For those 17 years, I've dreaded the abolishment of sprites. I love sprites. I think they're fun, cool and attractive from an artistic perspective. 3d is pure utilitarian, and I really hoped we would just get nicer, more hand-drawn looking sprites over time instead of polygon models.
Bolt the Cat said:
Oh yeah, there was one thing I dislike, the male trainer design. He looks too much like Hilbert and Nate, I'm sick of the male character almost always looking similar to every other male character in existence. The only one that's even remotely unique is Brendan.

Oh, come on. Lucas has at least a scarf and a cool hat to set him apart.

Anyway... I hated all the revealed Pokemon except Yveltal at first, but I'm warming up to the others, as I knew I would. Things will go better than expected if Froakie turns into an awesome bearded gentleman toad, though.
As for the 3D, I'm only disappointed that it's suspiciously sprite-like 3D and seemingly not "true" 3D like PBR and such - although that could just because it was "blown up for the Internet", as someone or other in here said.
Bogleech said:
For those 17 years, I've dreaded the abolishment of sprites. I love sprites. I think they're fun, cool and attractive from an artistic perspective. 3d is pure utilitarian, and I really hoped we would just get nicer, more hand-drawn looking sprites over time instead of polygon models.

I'm guessing you never liked pokemon stadium?

I think they can do alot with these sprites, 3d allows more interesting animations when your just idling in battle. I like sprites and I would have loved another gen of them but I'm very interested in how they will pull this off, it could completely suck or make the series amazing again, I imagined pokemon just going on forever and them just running out of ideas but saying "I like money....even if we only make enough to just break even" but if they keep making risky changes like this the series will always be welcomed with open arms, as long as they do take a bit of risk.
Xerneas said:
The legendary's are awesome !!!!

I'm slowly starting to have a turn around... Yvetal looks amazing, that much is for sure... Xerneas, eh... I'm warming up... Looks like a cross of Virizion and Dialga with some light thrown in
Hydro Cannon said:
Xerneas said:
The legendary's are awesome !!!!

I'm slowly starting to have a turn around... Yvetal looks amazing, that much is for sure... Xerneas, eh... I'm warming up... Looks like a cross of Virizion and Dialga with some light thrown in

I immediately loved yvetal but xerneas is....good looking.
catutie said:
Hydro Cannon said:
I'm slowly starting to have a turn around... Yvetal looks amazing, that much is for sure... Xerneas, eh... I'm warming up... Looks like a cross of Virizion and Dialga with some light thrown in

I immediately loved yvetal but xerneas is....good looking.

Yeah, on the lines of that I guess! ^^
Funny enough, I feel the exact opposite from the OP: I absolutely love all the new pokemon and character designs I've seen so far, but I'm not so excited for the 3D. There's nothing wrong with 3D, but there's nothing inherently good about it either; it's just a different graphical style. One isn't better than the other, so it's annoying to hear everyone talk about 3D like it's an upgrade, when the difference is lateral. It's very, very easy to make 3D models and environments that don't look good; see for instance the shot of the player character overlooking Brown Dirt World. Blegh

I've always wanted to see higher-res pokemon sprites (they've been the same resolution since the old GameBoy games), and a fully realized and illustrated battle system in 2D, made with artistry; I wanted to see a return of walking pokemon and faithfully depicted overworld sprites for every pokemon that can surf or fly, instead of the usual bird and whale blobs. Now I'll never get that! Because if they ever make a 2D pokemon game again, everyone will be like "Why are they going backwards? 3 is a higher number than 2!!!"

I guess there are very few non-indie games that will ever be 2D anymore; handheld games were the last holdouts and Pokemon was one of the last holdouts among handheld games. 2D graphics have their own merits and potential and it will be sad to see them abandoned!