Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going to be good?


Aspiring Trainer
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND - Colorless / Psychic - HP 140
Legendary Pokemon
Poke-Body: Alien Virus
If this Pokemon Knocks Out an opponent’s Pokemon with damage from an attack, when you take your Prize card, take 1 additional Prize card.
[R][R][L][C] Ozone Climax: 150 damage. Discard all Fire Energy attached to this Pokemon.
Weakness: Colorless / Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

his weakness is going 2 hurt but as tech he could be good i mean 2 prizes for two fire energy is a good price and 3 if u knock out a legend i think it could be good tech :p
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

Between needing 4 energy for their attack and having weakness to Garchomp C,I just can't see this card being good.Not even as a tech.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

goliaththegreat said:
Between needing 4 energy for their attack and having weakness to Garchomp C,I just can't see this card being good.Not even as a tech.

well after u get his energy set up he can k.o every other turn
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

panictrigger said:
well after u get his energy set up he can k.o every other turn
But a luxchomp player will wait until you waste your attachment for 2-3 turns, then bright look>dragon rush.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

rayquazza deoxys legend fits in perfectly with ampharos and typhlosion decks.

ampharos hgss and typhlosion prime can charge up RD legend in one turn and keep it going each turn.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

ogeray said:
rayquazza deoxys legend fits in perfectly with ampharos and typhlosion decks.

ampharos hgss and typhlosion prime can charge up RD legend in one turn and keep it going each turn.

Thats a lot of set up for 1 Pokemon.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

It can serve as a tech in Typhlosion Prime decks, sure. Just drop it and by the second turn it should be ready to roll.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

Lou Cypher said:
It can serve as a tech in Typhlosion Prime decks, sure. Just drop it and by the second turn it should be ready to roll.
Since pretty much every deck runs Luxray GL Lv.X in the first place, yeah, I can definitely see Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND being used in that deck.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

crm103top08 said:
But a luxchomp player will wait until you waste your attachment for 2-3 turns, then bright look>dragon rush.
naw most the people who play luxray around here dont know how 2 play it :p im one of the few who run it right
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

I think it has potential. Four energy is a pretty big attack cost but if you can get it charged up fast you only need three knockouts.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

Its a good card late gam but other than that not really some decks such as luxchomp will t3 KO it in early game
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

Its too risky a card. Big deal, 150 damage. A ton of other pokemon are already able to do this amount of damage without losing 4 energy.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

The"Desert Kid" said:
Its too risky a card. Big deal, 150 damage. A ton of other pokemon are already able to do this amount of damage without losing 4 energy.

But he only has to lose 2 fire energy, not 4 energy.
You`d need a lot of energy in the deck though, which would make it kinda clunky
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

The"Desert Kid" said:
Its too risky a card. Big deal, 150 damage. A ton of other pokemon are already able to do this amount of damage without losing 4 energy.

1) It's only 2 discards;
2) It's TWO prizes per ko...

But it still isn't that great lol.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

It's really not good. Ooh, waste 4 turns getting enough energy for two prizes, then get revenge killed and have nothing else set up. Cry while you get swept.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

I think its going to be real good it can one shot any thing and you take two prizez.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

You would trade 2-3 energies and 4 turns setting up for 2 prizes (for which you would need to replenish those 2-3 energies in another 2-3 turns to do it again)? I would much rather have a stable deck that can deal constant damage than this thing. It's nice in theory, but otherwise I wouldn't rely on it.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

I don't see it. Yeah, Typhlosion Prime, but you're gonna need ten turns to get everything you need. By the time you get both halves, Typhlosion, some Fire Energy in your discard pile, you're done.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

Yeah...seems people don't know how Typhlosion works. That thing about energy in the discard? You do know Typhlosion has access to Ninetales draw abuse, right? Making it one of the more stable Stage 2 decks next format.
RE: Anyone other then me think rayquaza deoxys legend is going 2 be good

Yeah, I would never play this card. 2/10 for the card

4 energy is too much AND you have to discard -.-