So everyone knows about Junk Hunt Sableye. Sableye in itself even had it's own deck consisting around the simple face he could use and abuse item cards like Hypnotoxic Laser, Enhance Hammer, ect. With Sableye now in expanded there is a card somewhat similar to it. Malamar, a Stage One Dark-Type has an attack somewhat similar to Sableye. For one Dark Energy, you can do 30 damage and pick any card from the discard, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. With N gone in the Standard format, this makes it a lot easier to pull cards out of the discard than it used to be. True you may have things like Ace Trainer and Red Card, but I don't feel like Red Card will be played as much and Ace Trainer requires you to have more prizes to make it work. The downfall is that it is a stage one Pokémon which can hurt it's viability in a lot of decks possibly. Despite this, I feel like you should count this card out as a possible common tech, especially in Dark decks. While Sableye did bring two cards back, it didn't do any damage and only brought item cards back while Malamar brings any single card back and does 30 damage. Anways, what do you all think about this card and the possibility of it's usefulness in the new meta?