Welcome to the April 2021 round of the Create-a-Card!
This month’s theme is Trick.
April’s a good month, full of all sorts of tricks — at least for the first 24 hours. But even though April Fool’s Day is behind us, there’s no reason we can’t keep up the spirit for the next few weeks! After all, there’s lots of Pokémon with a few tricks up their sleeves.
For this round of the competition, your card must contain the word Trick. This can be part of an attack name, part of a new mechanic, or something else entirely — you’re limited only by your imagination! Well, and the Wording and Believability scores: don’t forget that “Trick” itself already has an established effect.
This competition has two sections, text-based and image-based fakes. For text-based fakes, all you have to do is create a card in text form and post it in here! For image-based fakes, you’ll need the help of some software to let your creations come to life. But one thing remains important between both of them: your cards must be completely original!
- To sign up you must reply to the thread below. Make sure to include whether you’re in for text or image-based fakes!
-- - You may register with a partner and work together on the same card. This way each member can use their different talents and combine their skills, especially if one of you is an artist and the other is a TCG player. (Feel free to post in the thread that you’re looking for a partner if you want one.)
-- - We have a total of 15 spaces available for text-based entries and 15 for image-based. If you’ve never done an image-based card before, now is a great time to learn! PokéBeach has many card blanks and guides available for use.
- Creativity/Originality
We’re all tired of effectless attacks! Without images, part of the intrigue with text-based fakes is the creativity of Pokémon Power / Body / Ability / attack effects. Let’s see something cool and new!
Total: 20 points
--- - Wording
Proper wording is key in designing any fake card. Try to ensure wording is correct for the era of card you choose as card wording has changed many times over the years. Naturally, grammar and spelling are also taken into consideration.
Text-based fakers may format their entries any way they choose, but for those who are new or would like a guideline to follow, this is a simple formatting guideline you can follow:
Pokémon – Type – HP50
Stage 1 – Evolves from Pokémon
NO. 000 [Name] Pokémon HT: 1’11” WT: 111.1 lbs.
Ability: Name
Ability Effect
[R][C] Attack 20
Attack Effect
Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: [C] [C] [C]
Flavor Text
Total: 15 points
--- - Believability/Playability
Text-based fakes rely heavily on their believability. Think of your entries as if they were real cards. Try to avoid those 400 HP monsters which do 200 damage for [R]! Proper type (unless Delta-species), Pokédex information, and ballpark HP will also be taken into consideration. We will assume that your card is being created for the current TCG era unless otherwise stated, so if you are making a card for a previous era, you must mention this in your entry post.
Total: 15 points
- Creativity/Originality
This is a given. With the proper photo editing tools, let your imagination run wild! Among other things, this can involve innovating new mechanics, envisioning new card interactions, and exploring exciting gameplay potential or other design space.
Total: 15 points
--- - Believability/Playability
Believability and playability are both integral to the realism of a fake. A card’s playability is its power level — try not to be overpowered or underpowered for the era you’re designing in! For believability, proper type (unless delta-species), Pokédex information, ballpark HP, and so on will be taken into consideration.
Total: 15 points
--- - Wording
Proper wording is key in designing any fake card. Try to ensure wording is correct for the era of blank you choose, as card wording has changed many times over the years. Naturally, grammar and spelling are also taken into consideration.
Total: 10 points
--- - Fonts and Placement
Correct fonts (which may change era by era) are imperative when creating realistic fakes — even for custom blanks, fonts in line with the convention can go a long way toward making them appear realistic. Placement of text / symbols / etc. is also taken into consideration.
Total: 5 points
--- - Aesthetics
Aesthetics is all about how your card looks as a complete whole. Aspects of this category include using creative and appropriate artwork, using neat or custom blanks, and overall having an appealing card creation. Additionally, you may not use existing artwork from the TCG for your cards. If you’d like to use Ken Sugimori stock artwork, you may do so, but it must be transformative in nature.
Total: 5 points
And that’s the point breakdown for this round’s Create-A-Card! @mimsy borogoves will be judging image-based, and @PMJ will be judging text-based.
We’re always looking for new judges. Keen to join the team? You can learn how to apply here.
General Rules
- The card you submit must be of a Pokémon — that is, not a Trainer, Energy, or other type of card. Occasionally, we open this up to other types of cards if the month’s theme warrants it, but otherwise it’s impossible to judge (for example) Pokémon cards against Trainer cards, since their uses in-game are so different.
-- - For those entering image-based, you must include the symbol here on your card (such as the set symbol) or else your entry won’t be accepted. It was designed by the lovely Nekoban Ryo who continuously creates resources for the faking world and is a prominent faker himself. In addition, we do not allow any image-based entries that have been made using automatic, online card generators.
-- - If you edit your post you’ll incur a deduction of 2 points from your overall score, and posting your entry again on a different post also deducts 2 points. When you submit, make sure you’re done! If you mess up the tags or have a similar coding disaster, tag or PM me to get it fixed. If you forget to credit someone, do so in a new post instead of editing.
-- - Participants who fail to submit a card by the deadline, if the particular portion is full, will automatically lose 2 points for next round (similar to losing 2 points for the current round for editing). If the portion you have signed-up for is full and if you wish to drop out, you must do so with three days remaining before the deadline to not incur the penalty. Continuing to fail to post a submission in future rounds will result in a possible ban from the contest for a couple of months. Please keep a close eye on the deadline.
-- - All CaC entries should not be posted elsewhere in the PokéBeach forums while the current month’s contest is ongoing. If you have a personal thread or gallery where you post your fake card creations, you must wait to post your CaC card there until the contest is complete and full judging results have been posted. This is to ensure that CaC judges can continue to give proper feedback both within the contest and in the forums.
-- - Participants should only enter one of the two categories. This is to prevent the potential for an excessive influx of entries for our judges to manage.
-- - Artists/illustrators are free to post in this thread, letting participants know that they are available.
-- - All entries should meet the forum rules. You should always credit the artist, and never use someone else’s art without their permission — that’s art theft.
Anticipated Entrants
- @Alolan Teddiursa
- @bbninjas
- @ggDerpyDerp
- @AlphaLad
- @Charmaster:)
- @Xiu
- @Nemes
- @PMJ
- @Kavross
- @Nyan
- This could be you!
- @ɯoΛ
- @Falling Skies
- @Kangaflora
- @47bennyg
- @DashKing
- @FireLizard
- @bbb888
- @ShaQuL
- @Anime Psyclone
- @Vracken
- This could be you!
Bold names means I have seen your entry in this thread.
Want to help advertise the contest? Just paste the code below for the banner in your sig!
Credit goes to @Nekoban Ryo and @mimsy borogoves for the banner.
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