April Fool's Help!

MylesPrower said:
If your family has Oreos, you can scrape the Oreo filling out and replace it with toothpaste. Be sure to tell them before they swallow.
Why don't we have it the other way around? Take an empty tube, fill it with Oreo filling, and replace their toothpaste with it.
Put a banna skin on the floor and await for someone to fall over it...

Perfect plan muwahaha!
A good one I've heard about: You know that...doohickey on the sink? The thing that you can spray water out of if the faucet is running. Put a piece of tape on the switch, so when the first person turns on the sink...wham. They get spraaaaayed.

A prank last year at my school was when somebody put a piece of tape over the faucet of all the sinks in the Boy's bathroom. I was one of the victims when I turned on the sink and got sprayed. The other victim was the Principal, so that prank didn't go over too well. >.>
BeepBop said:
Noobnerd said:
April Fool's is stupid. If not for the popularity of this thread, I would have locked it.

You could lock it after April Fool's Day if you like to.

He could lock it anytime he wants to really :p

How about hacking inot someones computer and stealing their identity.

Works everytime :)
Hmm. Take a sticky note and cut it in half so you still have some sticky part. Then when someone's not looking, but it under their mouse so it covers the senser, but they cant see it. Hilarious.
valk said:
Hmm. Take a sticky note and cut it in half so you still have some sticky part. Then when someone's not looking, but it under their mouse so it covers the senser, but they cant see it. Hilarious.
Pandamore said:
^^Haha we did the same thing to our computer teacher last year and you have no idea how mad she got :p

Same thing happened last year to a whole lab of compters, but with tape. Don't do it at school. Ever. The principal was fuming afterward. >.>
I wish I had school on April Fool's Day. :( If you want to be really evil, and if you know any young kids, tell them the Easter Bunny died. Also, you could take something from someone and watch them freak out while they try to find. Just don't do it if that person has a bad temper.
Tomorrow is April Fool's! I'm almost done with my prank list, I need uh...1..2...3...4...I need 3 more! Come on, I need 3 anyone!