richkid50000 said:i am in need of 2 poketurn. do you have them?
Sorry I don't want anything.CyndaquilMaster said:CML for a Jumpluff HGSS and a Dialga G Lv. X
No I don't traded those to mr.619.richkid50000 said:ok. you can PM me about it if you want. if you have a chomp C X id trade for that also.
Sorry nothing I need from your list.SotS said:Please check my list for 2 Donphan Prime. =3
No sorry I don't think the value of Flygon is equal to 4 Donphan Primes.SotS said:Would you do 4 Donphan Prime for a Flygon X?
pokefan1234 said:check my list for 2 Donphan PRIME and any HGSS phanpys you have
.::n00bmuffin::. said:CML for the Dialga G's.
richkid50000 said:skipped. like i said i need the cards for my deck.