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Standard Arcanine


Aspiring Trainer
Trying to make this deck more reliable by making it tankier with buff padding or altering it to have faster attackers while using arcanine as a back up attacker.

Deck List: (Edit: Possibly Final Build)

Pokémon - 14

Ditto Prismstar - 1
Turtonator - DM - 1
Growlithe - 4
Arcanine - UNB - 4
Salandit - DM - 1
Salazzle - UNB - 1
Victini Prismstar - 1
Tapu Koko - Promo - 1

Trainers - 29

Arco Bike - 4
Energy Spinner - 4
Fiery Flint - 4
Pal Pad - 1
Pokegear 3.0 - 3
Pokenav - 2

Heat factory - 1
Lysanders lab - 1
Power Plant -1

Brock's Grit - 1
Guzma - 1
Red's Challenge - 1
TV Reporter - 1
Welder - 4

Energy - 17

Fire Energy - 17
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Also thinking about jacking up the energy cost upwards towards 18-20. Although I do know what starting hands would be like, I can get energies back into my deck the moment I get all my other cards out. Just a thought...
After thinking about it I'm trying
- 2 fire crystals
- 1 pokegear 3.0
- 1 Red's challenge
+ 3 Energies
+ 1 Energy spinner.
- 1 Rescue Stretcher
+ 1 Brock's Grit

Brock's grit is easier to get and helps from decking out or disabling my attackers from having all my energies in the discard.

- 1 Pokenav
+ 1 Arcanine

Was still having issues with getting arcanines out of the deck, having more makes it easier to get.

Post rotation

- 1 Pal Pad
+ 1 Mewtwo - UNB

While pal pad is powerful Mewtwo can get me what I need the next turn, works well with Arco bike, and TV reporter, can be obtained with pokenav, and really is the only option after rotation(can be used twice with Brock's grit)

- 1 Guzma
+ Energy/Pokegear 3.0 - or a supporter that works with this from next expansion.
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