Pokemon Arceus and Regigigas

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Banner credit to lilsparks and G2F.
How many of you guys think that Arceus and Regigigas look a little bit similar ?

? What do you mean and you can't be Senor Nooberhood because there's no such person.
He's a newbie, let him be, for now. No they're not, they only look alike because of their color schemes.
But somehow, just somehow they remind me of each other.....yeah, maybe it's just their colour schemes.....
I dont see any resemblence

giratina and almados a resemblence
I don't even see a resemblance except for the yellow on both of them. Other than that. NO
Resemblance doesn't occur. You see, do you think a horse-pegasus-unicorn God has ressemblance on a giant stone thing? I don't think so, but I do give credit to your thread. ;)

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She is hot, sexy, kind, and timid. Awe of She

Dizzy from Guilty Gear XX
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