Pokemon Arceus or I Should call it Arsayus

Wild Jumpluff

The YCM Dropout
You know how you pronounce Arceus (Ark-ee-uhs) or (Ar-See-Uhs)
It is actually pronounced as Ar-Say-Uhs not Ark-ee-uhs or Ar-See-Uhs. Please discuss this.
Assuming it's name comes from the Greek God Zeus. It's probably pronounced like; ''ɑr - suːs''
I'm 90% sure the only English trailer we have was from a convention, was put up on this site, and mispronounced Pokemon. Also, there's what tubbs said.

The official pronounciation is never actually spoken by even the narrator consistently for a pokemon's name.
Right now, the English pronunciation for Arceus' name seems to be up in the air. The most popular (at least from what I've heard) pronunciations are the following:

Ar-see-us: This is the way the announcer in Pokémon Battle Revolution says its name.

Ar-say-us: This is the way its name was said in the "English" trailer for Arceus and the Jewel of Life - a trailer which was shown at the Locarno International Film Festival in Switzerland. However, as noted by burnpsy, the narrator in that trailer mispronounced Pokémon as "Pocky"mon, so that's been taken into consideration by many fans when deciding which is right.

Ark-ee-us: Like tubbs101 said, Pokemon.com's mailbag entry states the name is pronounced with a hard C sound. However, they also stated in another mailbag entry that PBR was a reliable source for finding out about pronunciations of a Pokémon's name. This creates some confusion, as in PBR, as mentioned above, its name is pronounced Ar-see-us.

In the end, it seems like we won't know how it's officially announced until some commercials for the film come out. So for now, like I said, it's up in the air.

Edit: Moving this to Pokémon World, since this doesn't fit the game section's description.
I am doubting that Nintendo has it's english pronounciation set in stone. If I were them, I'd go with the current popular ponounciation, so there is as little confusion as possible.
It's more like Ar-say-us rather than Ar-see-us. That comes closer to the pronounciation of Zeus... where Arceus' name obviously comes from.
I always thought it was aru-say-us. Man this is going to make my head hurt correcting myself all the time. DAMN.

Japan says Arr-u-see-us. We should say Arr-see-us. If you are annoyed about pronouncing the word, call it the 'Deformed Spacegoat That Looks Like It Got Stuck In A Fence'.
In Japanese it's called: アルセウス (A-ru-se-u-su) (Pronounced as: A-ru-se-us) It's name comes from; possible 'arch' (highest) and 'Zeus' (the ''most powerfull'' of the Greek gods. (or 'deus', meaning 'god' in Latin). Still for me it seems the word; 'Arkhaios' (Αρκαιος), Classic Greek for 'beginning', is involved in this too. But I don't think they went this far for searching a good name.

Anyway let's base it on the Japanese... We, in English, don't pronounce the 'u' after the 'r'. So 'A-r-say-us' or whatever would be impossible. That comes to the conclusion the first syllable is 'Ar'.

The 'ce' part shouldn't be pronounced as 'kee', in Japanese it isn't either, so let's state it's pronounced as 'see'. Yes, I changed my mind about it, instead of 'say' I would prefer 'see' now, explanation will come later. (Yes in Latin it would be pronounced as 'kee', but it's still a based of something Greek so I don't prefer to involve Latin in this).

So we have; 'Ar-see-...'. And the last part should be pronounced something like 'yus'. As you can see there's the 'y' I removed from the 'say' what is now 'see'... Anyway, it fit's too with the pronounciation of 'deus' (Latin for 'god'), which is (probably) pronounced as 'dee-yus'.

So yes after this looong explanation we can conclude it would be pronounced like 'Ar-see-yus'. However Pokemon Battle Revolution still pronounces it as 'Ar-see-oos', in the film they say; 'Ar-say-us' and Pokemon.com said it was 'Ar-kee-us'...

Still I prefer 'Ar-see-yus'.