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Arceus (Senior/Cities)

Is Arceus a viable Cities deck?

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Strategy: Get off a Ripple Swell as fast as possible. Send up the Arceus that can cause super effective damage to your opponent's Pokemon and Level Up the Arceus. Attack with benched Arceus using Arceus Lv.X's Poke-Body Omniscient.

Pokemon (12):

-3x Arceus Lv.X
-2x {C} Arceus
-2x {R} Arceus
-2x {D} Arceus
-1x {L} Arceus
-1x {F} Arceus
-1x {W} Arceus
-1x {P} Arceus
-1x {M} Arceus

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (26):

-4x Pokemon Collector
-4x Great Ball
-4x Beginning Door
-4x Ultimate Zone
-4x Professor Oak's New Theory
-3x Pokemon Rescue
-2x CopyCat
-1x Flower Shop Lady

Energy (20):

-4x Call Energy
-4x Double Colorless Energy
-3x Rainbow Energy
-2x Darkness Energy
-2x Fighting Energy
-1x Psychic Energy
-1x Metal Energy
-1x Water Energy
-1x Fire Energy

Please give advice on my deck :D All constructive criticism is welcomed!
Well for starters in any competitive deck you must have uxie. You need to have two in there. Second you need to have bebe search in your deck get rid for the great ball. You already have pokemon collector and being door. Also you should have 3 or 4 of the colorless arcues. He is your starter so you might want to max him out. Also i would complete that out the rainbow energy. Just add in the other basics enegry you need. Also i would add in one more water and another fire arcues. The reason why that the water arcues is your counter to mewtwo x and umberon.
I respectfully disagree with that comment, Great Ball is a staple in Arceus, while Bebe's is just a waste of space, also Uxies don't work in Arceus because you can't Ripple Swell with them in play. My suggestion would be to add Cyrus's to search out your many types of energy.
-3 Judge
-1 Ultimate Zone (I think 3 is enough)
+4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
Pokedrawers wouldn't hurt either if you don't like the Cyrus's idea.
I agree with vulpix, but you don't need lucario GL unless you want to run 1-2 poke turn then you risk having it on the feild before the ripple swell. But I feel 20 energys is a bit accessive because you already have energy accell in the form of ripple swell, I also feel the you should run at least 1 fisherman because it helps to recover those crucial energy you may need. I also must disagree with vulpix on one thing though; you MUST RUN 4 Ultimate Zone! I can not stress this enough, if you fail to get one early game then your energy accel was for nothing.
-1 Unown Q
-4 Call Energy
-3 Judge

+1 Premier Ball
+1 Flower Shop Lady
+3 Copycat
+3 Arceus (Types depend on your metagame)

Flower Shop Lady for recovery. Copycat is better then Judge in Arceus IMO. Unown Q is just asking to be Power Sprayed which hurts your Ripple Swell. Call Energy isn't really necessary in Arceus because you're running four Pokemon Collecter. Premier Ball helps you get Arceus Lv.X from the discard or deck.

The types of Arceus and how many of each you should play is dependent on your metagame, for example, Fire Arceus for Dialga G, Dark Arceus for Gengar, Fighting Arceus for Luxray GL etc. So depending on your metagame you're going to need to play the right amount of each Arceus. You will also need to change the energy types you play, and the amount of each.

I hope I helped, and that you do a good job with this deck.:)
I Updated my list! Thanks for the suggestions! I took out 3 Judge, a basic energy card and Unown Q for 1 Fire Arceus, 1 Dark Arceus, 2 Copycat and 1 Flower Shop Lady. I'm still not sure if I should keep the Call Energy and Lucario GL.
Looks good! The only thing I don't understand is the 2 fighting energy. I would take one out and add in a fire since you're running 2 fire Arceus.
Eh, I may be no expert but here's my take.

-1 {D} Arceus
+1 {C} Arceus

You don't really need multiples of any Arceus other than X, Colorless and Fire. You want to set up a Ripple Swell ASAP and Sky Spear + Fire attack win games. You can easily reuse other types with Pokemon Rescue.

-1 Flower Shop Lady
+1 Palmer's Contribution

Flower Shop Lady is more limited than Palmer, so drop it. Since you're using Pokemon Rescue there's a chance you would have too little Pokemon to use FSL.

-3 Rainbow Energy
-2 Fighting Energy
+2 Fire Energy
+2 Warp Energy
+1 Lightning Energy

My thoughts from playing Arceus are - you will never really have to or want to use all the attacks. You use Lv X on a super effective type and swing with attacks from Fire, Water or Dark (if you're losing). Fighting could be used but it's best with Grass Arceus which can then null the damage done, but since you're not running it... yeah, drop Fighting energies. Warp Energies and Lightning for easy switching and keeping your Pokemon alive.

As a final thought - I think you should find space for more Pokemon. I'm playing with 16 Pokemon (and 5 of them I don't want to/I can't start with) and sometimes I still get no-basic hands. With only 9 basic Arceus here I think it will be a nightmare to get a game going.