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Archeops/Groudon Ex/Terrakion

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
4-3 Archeops (NV67)
3 Groudon (Dark Explorers 54)
2 Terrakion (Dragon Blast 32)
2 Aerodactyl (Dark Explorers 53)

3 N
3 Juniper
1 Fisherman
2 Collector

4 Plume Fossil (NV 93)
4 Junk Arm
3 Old Amber Aerodactyl (Dark Explorers 97)
3 Eviolite
3 Catcher
2 Switch

2 Twist Mountain ( Dark Explorers 101)

12 {F}

The deck-strategy is really simple: Try to get out your Archeops as soon as possible. Groudon makes the damage, terrakion is for revange killing and Aerodactyl is a little tech it can take out but i think it comes cool.
I think I'd take out some of the fossils and add an extra Twist Mountain. Ideally, you wouldn't even need them, but it would be almost impossible to win if they were prized. I like using Jirachi with Archeops, but you'd need the energy, so I guess that's a personal preference.
Always more twist mountains, I agree, they are more consistent then things on the bottom of your deck. I was actually thinking of running a deck with the main drive having tons of aerodactyls because more damage is too good :3.

The only problem I see is aerodactyl being catcher fodder as straight 90 is an eelectric but just weak against grass (wish it was considered flying for the -20 to fighting, but nothing to cry about).
Yes twist mountain is a really good card for fossils deck. Should i take out from both one fossil or only from Archen or from Aerodactyl?
You can take out the fossils, they are extremely inconsistent, also you don't even have the slightest control over them using card manipulations like research record, slowking, unknown flash to name a few. You might wanna use 1 or 2 of the fossils but don't max them out.

Play 3 or 4 twist mountains though, you wouldn't want people discarding your twist mountain because your deck really relies on it.
I'd remove at least one of each. If you find yourself hardly using the Fossils, you could reduce them even more.
-2 Plume
-2 Old Amber

+2 Twist

2 space left i don`t know which card i should add

And one question. When i play an aerodactyl on my bank by using Old Amber and i have an Archeops on my field can i play my Aerodactyl down or not?
Perhaps a Collector? You could add Exp. Share, but then that would get in the way of Eviolite. Any reason you chose Groudon EX over Terrakion EX? It doesn't do as much damage, but it gets energies on the field (feels like a first for {F}).

And to answer your question, yes because Aerodactyl is a Revived Pokemon. Plus you don't actually evolve anything. You use the Fossil's effect to put it on your Bench.
Thanks for answering my question!

Oh, I didn`t recognize that a Terrakion Ex will be released but it is a really good Pokemon in my deck, it gives my deck speed with attaching energies.

Maybe i should play 3 Terrakion Ex and 2 Groudon Ex and the normal Terrakion is not really important.
It's not. It'll be released in our Dragon set (hopefully, wierd things happen when you're a set or two behind).
Hate knowing what happening in 2 sets ahead, I still think the Sygliph is comming out with will deter the EX's
-3 Old Amber (Not needed)
-1 Fisherman (Waste of a supporter)
-4 Plume Fossil (Not needed)
-2 Collector (Waste of a supporter and Dual Ball is better)
+1 Teddyursa (Lock Catcher the turn you put down Archen)
+1 Fliptini (Assist Teddy)
+4 Exp. Share (Keep Energy in Play)
+1 Super Rod (Get back pokemon)
+3 Dual Ball (Search out basics)
KadyShack707 said:
Hate knowing what happening in 2 sets ahead, I still think the Sygliph is comming out with will deter the EX's

I know. Prereleases would be so much more fun! But then, I might have stupidly traded my Mewtwo afterwards.
I also recommend more dual pokeballs, as being an item, not a supporter is a lot better with the right amount of draw power in a deck.
Teddiursa. I don`t know if it will be so good, because its always an easy price card for my opponent. The second problem is what can i do when i got archen on my bench , teddi is my active and i have no archeops what should i do know?
No plume and no old amber it is really risky. When i don`t have flipping Luck i won`t be able to get out my archen.
Plume and old amber aren't needed at all. Twist mountain already takes care of that and frankly is just simply a lot faster. I think old amber and plume fossil would just take up space if you have sky arrow bridge.And I think landorus might be a good addition to this deck because it can energy accelerate and can also spread?
Sounds not so bad with landorus, but i don`t know, if Twist mountain can do it alone, because bad luck with flipping coins and the deck won`t be able to lock and win against my opponent especially against an eel deck.
Well, you could run some but to save space I'd run two at most maybe. I think twist mountain should be enough though.