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Archeops/Groudon Ex/Terrakion

Don't know if it will add consistency to the deck but I think just a few Research Record, about 2, should be helpful in case your Twist Mountain fails you. RR lets you put Archen under the deck so it is searchable via Plume Fossil. Hope this helped. :)
Fliptini's pokepower specifically states that it only works on attacks. Twist Mountain isn't affected
Here is my new decklist:

4-3 Archeops (NV 67)
3 Terrakion Ex (Dragon Blast 32)
2 Groudon Ex (Dark Exporers 54)
2 Aerodactyl (Dark Exporers 53)

4 Twist Mountain

3 N
3 Juniper
1 Fisherman
2 Collector

3 Catcher
4 Junk Arm
3 Switch
2 Eviolite
1 Super Rod
3 Exp. Sahre
3 Revive

10 {F}
Looks nice, it's got some pretty good deck finding so much so, that getting the twists out wont be too much of a hassle. I'd say more changes would just happen from testing, once the cards are out. I will also be looking into trying this, so I'll let you know when/if I get this running, and what changes I have in it :3
Try running an attacker that isn't an EX. Some regular Terrakion may be good and some landorus too maybe.
Never_Won_A_Tournament_:( said:
yeah take out those fossils, you don't need them lol i hate relying on getting it from the bottom of my deck.

I take those fossils already out. You can see my new decklist three posts before your post.

iisnumber12 said:
You NEED Mewtwo. Once your opponent gdets out a Mewtwo EX with 6 Energies you LOSE!

I don`t really think that anybody puts on a mewtwo 6 energies but i can test it with one or two.

Jirachi said:
Try running an attacker that isn't an EX. Some regular Terrakion may be good and some landorus too maybe.

Yes i know my deck hasn't got any other attacker, but i don`t konw which card i should take out for normal pokemon like terrakion or landorus.
Professor Pokémon said:
I don`t really think that anybody puts on a mewtwo 6 energies but i can test it with one or two.
They will when they see that you have no Mewtwo.
RE: Archeops/Groudon Ex/Terrakion

Ok i'll try it like this:

4-3 Archeops
2 Terrakion EX
2 Groudon Ex
2 Mewtwo Ex
2 Landorus

4 Twist Mountain

4 Junk Arm
4 Exp. Share
3 Revive
3 Switch
3 Eviolite

3 Collector
3 N
3 Juniper

8 {F}
Regular terrakion may help a lot too. Try
-1 twist mountain (only 3 is needed)
-2 revive? (1 may be enough)

+3 catcher (still is needed)