DPPt/HGSS Are Action replays worth using? O.o


Scyther pwns
May I ask those who have action replays if they are worth using? A friend of mine says they give you tons of rare items and make your pokemon level faster, and I was wondering if the cheating is worth using. If it is would it be alright to use it competitively?
RE: Action replays? o_O

PMJ in a thread about hacking said:
Hacking is good. Very good. I advocate the use of Action Replay whenever possible (which is basically all the time).

Running through walls is tremendously fun. That said, trudging through the swamp that is the Mystery Zone is not so fun. But it's pretty nifty to be able to walk behind the counter in the Pokemon Center, just for fun times, or to walk--actually walk--from Cresselia Island to Darkrai Island, just because you can.

Hacking Pokemon is even better. Having a shiny Buneary with Huge Power, Extremespeed, Superpower, Shadow Force, and Explosion is just plain awesome.

Hacking is the best and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Just show some common courtesy to your fellow battlers and don't take illegal hacks (such as the aforementioned Buneary) into battle without the other person's knowledge because that isn't cool, nifty, or awesome.

If all you do is hack max TMs/Berries/IVs for non-legendaries/other stuff you can actually get through non-AR means in-game, then go nuts and don't let the crybabies who baww because you're doing it the "easy way" discourage you from using AR. You don't judge them for their choice; they have no right to judge you for yours, especially since you paid ~$20 more than they did to purchase the AR in the first place.

It's just two roads to the same destination.
RE: Action replays? o_O

Just be careful because my AR screwed up my Diamond. But I have to admit it was worth the money.
RE: Action replays? o_O

AR is worth the money, I used to hack my game up SO bad, using this like walk through walls and catching trainer pokemon. Those things are the big cheating things that WILL ruin your game, right now I only use it for cloning, items, and money.
RE: Action replays? o_O

I personally hate it. It messed up my diamond SO BADDLY, I never intend to use one again.

Sure, you can do cool things like talk to Nurse Joy from behind, and make the ultimate Super Karp, but, in the long run, your just ruining your game.

And no, no one will ever let you into a tournament with a hacked pokemon.
RE: Action replays? o_O

Because adding Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Fire Blast, and Thunder makes Magikarp TheHulkKarp.
It's fun, just don't use hacked Pokemon against other people unless they know and say you can
RE: Action replays? o_O

I have never used Action Replay but I guess it does have cool features....but...doesn't it take the fun out of the game??? and ruin you game??
RE: Action replays? o_O

They are fun to use,Just dont use them on a game you expect to play 3 years from now :).Codes like the walk through walls you should avoid.Codes such as making a certain pokemon appear I have found does little to no damage,Do be weary however.
RE: Action replays? o_O

The ethics of it depend on how you're using it... as a haxxor? No. Don't get that lv. 100 shiny Magikarp with insane stats and a movepool a 'Karp can't even have and then battle someone with it. But if you use it as something to speed up your game, it's still not good, but it's alright. If you want a shiny Dialga with all 31 IVs, it's a bit iffy, but sure, go ahead.
RE: Action replays? o_O

I use one all the time. i have used AR (or even gameshark back in Gen I, and the widely unheard of "brainboy/master brain" cheating devices for gen I/II) on pretty much every game. I've never had major data corruption except on my saphhire..which I literally cheated so much it refused to recognize itself as a game anymore. lol. Gen IV is fine, never had a problem AR'ing on it. I don't really use it for competitive play..just "I'm too lazy to put this guy at lv 100..lets get him to lv 98 and then ev train him to 100)" anyway..point being..cheating is fun, if you don't cheat for stats/illegal moves (to use those pokemon against Real people, in game is fine) then have fun. I made an ultimate Unown J in Gen 2 with Explosion, psychic, hyper beam, metronome) and used it against my friends With Their Consent. Hope this helps..have fun cheating
RE: Action replays? o_O

A thread similar to this has come up before (it is also the same thread Chariblaze mentioned). It's actually good to read, and will let you choose a better path for yourself one way or the other. Please, peruse at your leisure:

RE: Action replays? o_O

I used to use it, but then I realized it was boring just giving rare candies to 493 pokemon in platinum, and in pearl, my game froze. Idon't use the AR in Soulsilver.
RE: Action replays? o_O

I only use it for Rare Candies (which i don't use all the time, because that would have no EVs), Fast hatch, cloning, and unlimited TMs. Those are all legit, but things like walking through walls can mess up your game.
RE: Action replays? o_O

Honestly, hacking is fun, just don't get carried away with it. If you do that, your just screwing up your game. Yes you can get your pokemon to lvl 100 and pwn that way, but that takes the fun out of the game. Only hack if your not using a party Pokemon or one that you wouldn't probably use in the future, which is why cloning is one of the best things to get. All in all, only hack if you choose to end the game fast, have all the HMs and still play it.
RE: Action replays? o_O

I have both versions. Ds and DSi AR. All work fine untill that one time... Long story short, Killed my Pearl version:(. All other games are doing great. But be wery for ALL codes. Even the smallest of codes can kill games. Even "snif" Pearl version...
RE: Action replays? o_O

Ar's are pretty sweet but on the flipside if you input the wrong codes or use the Walk though walls cheat IT WILL FRY YOUR WI-FI ON YOUR DS. Which means you will never be able to log onto Wi-Fi or Direct trade with your DS until you can afford a new one. Before you buy an AR Ask yourselves these questions:

1. Can I afford a new DS if the one I am using gets fried?
2. Is it really worh all that hacking to get all the items you want?
3. Is it worth replacing you game cartridges everytime one gets messed up?
4. Is it worth all that data being lost after all of that hard work and effort you put into getting all of that data?

If you answered no to all of these questions you are smart so don't buy an AR unless you have $200.00 to blow to replace all of that effort. Use common sense guys cause an AR might help for short term use but after using it ALL THE TIME you will pay big and it will cost you your DS being frien you game save being fried or a loss of your data on you game save. With all of the events I have now I sure am not going to use an AR for hacking. I have wayyyyy to many rare events I can't afford to loose and some are irreplaceable XD.:)
RE: Action replays? o_O

I only use PikaFlashs' & sometime's Abhorsens' ones, but only for cloning, Shiny's/Event's, items or TM's.
Edit: Abhorsen: I know that you don't have one...but Adam (Pidgeot5) isn't a member of here.