BW/BW2 Are CoroCoro revealing too much too quickly?

kaorusquee said:
Agreed. I mean, we've only got 3ish CoroCoros before the game comes out.

They still have to reveal:
Every town except Hiun
Every pokemon -7
All gyms (Minus the honey-wall thingy that has Gym theme music)
Bad team
How this 'making decisions' thing works
How this 'internet play' thing works
Various gizmos and gadgets that are new
New TM set/HM set yeah. Still plenty of things to reveal. Can't go fast enough.

Minus 14, actually. We know a FEW more than just 7. =P But I hope they pick up the pace a little here in the last few months.
Majora_787 said:
Minus 14, actually. We know a FEW more than just 7. =P But I hope they pick up the pace a little here in the last few months.

We know 14???


......dude I can't count. XD I was think "Oh, they revealed 7" but I forgot about the previous bit.

Anyway, even in the slimmest case I don't think they'd make a generation with less than 100 pokemon. I mean, if you round the numbers:

Gen I: +150
Gen II: +100
Gen III: +150
Gen IV: +100
Gen V: ??

Following the pattern makes it +150, if they choose to actually follow a pattern after making it. That's still a lot more to reveal.
IMO I honestly dont think theyre revealing too mcuh. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, ITS COMING OUT IN 11 WEEKS!
Hai there!I thougth this site was lots of fun to chat,so I joined.Well,now on topic.I really think they reveal too quick,I mean,when Pokemon Sunday reveals a new shilouette,they always reveal them the same day or before the other part of the show. :S And somethin I would like to see on B/W is a Sableye evo.I think he really needs one.

Don't report this post. I'll just leave this open for more discussion even though it was revived.

dmaster out.
I think that they are revealing everything very slowly, i mean theres only another 2 months (not even) until black and white are released and we still have only a little information on the actual gameplay.
No they are not revealing too quickly, because they still have a LOT more to reveal in 2 months. We only know 30+ pokemon.
I think it's fun as long as they keep major plot points and stuff hidden! :D Because it gives the fans something to talk about every time something new is revealed, it's more interesting to wait while little bits are being leaked then to just... wait XD