Are Donks Really Unhealthy for this Game?

Yes, it is so challenging to hope you draw more then 1 poke in your first hand...SUCH a challenge.
Donks didn't exist in the EX era because we didn't have stupid card designers who thought 1 energy for 60 to 120 damage was cool.

I lost out on the top cut at my local Battle Roads because I lost 1 match from a donk, and the most heart-wrenching thing was that if I started second, I would have donked him instead.

Donks suck, the game should never be a matter of who starts first.
If we're talking strictly probability, you can change your deck to where you start with two basics. You need to have 18 basics (or 14 and 4 call) to start with 2 basics.
I got donked twice in one best-of-3 match. I ran 13 basics and 4 calls. I started both these games with 1 basic. Both these games this basic had an agility like attack. Both games they failed.

Probability says nothing.
Lol it is all up to chance. What happened to Lou Cypher was very unfortunate, but thats just how the game is. You could up the basics count even more if your that concerned about it.
Hahaha yea everyone just needs to stop complaining. Donks are part of the format now. It happens. There are plenty of ways to get around donks, and it is just luck of the draw. PUSA is not going to change any rules involving donking and they won't establish any rules either.
No one can really prevent donking. Since the possibility of getting only 1 basic is high for most decks (maybe?) You could always (like every one says) play more basic pokemon. But even then you might get donked. And there are donk decks that can donk you even if you have more than 1 basic pokemon. So i think it's fun to be able to donk and make a deck with high chance of donking the opponent. Maybe I'll try make a new rouge donk deck?

I think its actually kinda fun to donk someone, as bad as it feels. But spiritomb/vileplume decks help make donks harder, because of no trainers.
You have no soul if you think donks are fun. ._.

Donks do suck though. Unfortunately, they are a part of this game and it's the way they want it. They're not going to change something just because certain people don't like it when it happens. Sad but true.

dmaster out.
After their machamp deck donks you a million times, its high time for revenge. But yeah I even chose not to donk radar's sister in a BR's because its no fun.
Its even worse when someone actually BRAGS about their donk as if it was a feat of skill. "Yeah I donked you but you wouldnt have been able to stand up against my awesome deck anyway", that kind of folks...
Yeah but if you apologize, and maybe play another game afterwards then its not so bad. But if you consider it a well earned win, your deluding yourself.
Currently donks kinda balance things out between the setup decks and the speedier decks.
Setup decks win the long matches, speed decks win the short ones.
It's never fun of course. You came and paid to play a round, not a minute.
@LouCypher This is very unsportsmanlike. Donking someone is basically a gift win, just take it and don't brag about it.

@minmidget was she running burmy? lol That deck gets donked so easily.

@Dmaster Truth. I don't enjoy donks, unless they are highly elaborate ones that involve skill and some luck (Vibrava donk!). But in general, donking someone isn't cool. It isn't competitive, fun and is a very cheap, empty way of winning (but, in the end, still a way of winning).
Yes she was running burmy, but I would have donked SP as well. On topic, a shadow room donk on a remoraid is amazing, especially when you did double drawer, set up with 2 uxies for a total of 13 cards, and went through 2 poketurns and a crobat.

Well a donk means a first turn knockout for the win. They will not have a Gengar/ Vileplume on turn 1, and usually start with Spiritomb, which is extremely donkable. Crobat G + Special Dark + Sableye Donk.

Referring to Post #31 xD