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Are there any cards to replace Smeargle and Junk Arm in the new format?


Going Scraggy Style
As we are all aware, the new format is starting soon, and for someone, like myself, who is wanting to start playing competitively, seeing cards such as Smeargle and Junk Arm leaving the format kind of sucks

Are there any cards anyone can suggest that can replace these, and some of the other cards ie PONT, Sages etc, within the future format?

I'm currently wanting to use a version of ZekEels, which obviously runs with PONTs, Junk Arms. I currently have the following deck that I'm wanting to build

1 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus FA EP
1 Thundurus FA EP
3 Tynamo DEX 45
3 Eelektrik NV
2 Zekrom FA BW

10 Electric

3 N
2 Cheren
2 Level Ball
2 Eviolite
3 Catcher
2 Bianca
1 Plus Power
2 Super Rod
2 Switch
3 Random Reciever
4 Juniper

Thats 51 cards at the moment, and I'm wanting to add Tornadus EX and Raikou EX in there

Are there any more cards anyone can suggest

PS- If this is in the wrong place, I apologise
For Junk Arm. You could put in Sableye with Prism/Blend energy if you really wanted to. Smeargle.... PONT, you can use Bianca. Because you can make your hand size smaller with Ultra Ball.
You don't need Sableye. Replace Junk Arm with a more conservative playstyle. Every time you go to play a Catcher, Eviolite or Plus Power ask yourself, "Do I need to play this? Would I be better off saving this card for a better use?". In HGSS-On you could play all your trainers willy-nilly because you could expect to get them back with Junk Arm, but we don't have that luxury anymore. If you really wanted to replace Junk Arm with an actual card, Recycle would probably be better than Sableye since it doesn't waste a turn of attacking, but neither of them are needed.
Cinema said:
You don't need Sableye. Replace Junk Arm with a more conservative playstyle. Every time you go to play a Catcher, Eviolite or Plus Power ask yourself, "Do I need to play this? Would I be better off saving this card for a better use?". In HGSS-On you could play all your trainers willy-nilly because you could expect to get them back with Junk Arm, but we don't have that luxury anymore. If you really wanted to replace Junk Arm with an actual card, Recycle would probably be better than Sableye since it doesn't waste a turn of attacking, but neither of them are needed.

Cheers, Recycle might be a good one, but only one or two
Well it's a flip, and I find that as long as I play carefully with my resources I don't need anything back.
Recycle is awesome in Empoleon. If you're planning on adding a draw engine to your deck I'd add Recycle over Sableye. If you're building a hammertime deck or a dark deck or just a deck without draw I'd go Sableye.

That being said, neither are necessary if you play conservatively
Especially for ZekEels, I love playing Ultra Ball in place of Junk Arm. It's a great way to discard two energies, and get any Pokemon in return. Also, It's great to combo with Bianca for a larger hand draw.
593462 said:
I think recycle is a waste of room in a deck.

Recycle has a 50% chance of getting you any card from your discard, not just an Item. That can mean a Supporter, a special energy or just another attacker. Don't underestimate Recycle
RogueListers said:
Recycle has a 50% chance of getting you any card from your discard, not just an Item. That can mean a Supporter, a special energy or just another attacker. Don't underestimate Recycle

But if you don't use it you don't have the chance of flipping tails and wasting the one card you were relying on and messing you up for the rest of the game.
RogueListers said:
Recycle has a 50% chance of getting you any card from your discard, not just an Item. That can mean a Supporter, a special energy or just another attacker. Don't underestimate Recycle

There's also the issue that the card goes on the top of your deck, rather then your hand. So you'd either need to plan ahead, have a draw supporter in hand, have something that searches for it, or get an energy and use the new ether.

Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a basic Energy card, attach it to one of your Pokémon. If it is not a basic Energy card, return it to the top of your deck.

You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).

And there's that stupid coin flip. Not exactly my favorite card to have as a staple right now.
Now I try to put 1 more of every card I need in my deck. If I used to play 2 Switch, now I play 3. If I used to play 3 Catcher, now I play 4, ect. But now I have trouble running PlusPower because I like the fact I can stack it with Junk Arm, and now I'm trying to figure out if that extra 10 is worth it. I feel I need to play 3-4 to make it worthwhile, and I don't know if I like that. But on topic of Recycle, don't play it unless you have extra space in the deck. I used to play it as a one-of in my D&D deck because it can get back Special Energy, but now it is kinda gimmicky because I'm sure that there is 1 card you need more than Recycle.