Collecting Are These Booster Packs Fake?


Ready or Not!
Advanced Member
I visited my local Dollars and Sense store (a reject store) and found some BREAKThrough booster packs going for $2. Peaked my interest naturally, however as I looked at it closer I noticed a few things:

- The flashiness of the pack looked a little different to what I was used to. Hopefully the photos give some indication, but the glossyness felt a bit more noticeable.
- The Zoroark BREAK art and the Mega Houndoom art looked a little pink.
- Some of the packs felt wide and felt like they contained a lot of air. Text appears to overlap from the back to the front on the Houndoom booster.
- The Braixen on the booster box looks out of place and reminds me of the Pokken Braixen support art. This official art seems to indicate that the box is fake.

I didn't have a booster pack with me to compare, unfortunately, so I took some photographs.


If they are fake, I would quite like to see them removed from the store since they're pretty good fakes, will trick customers easily and discredit the store (which all ain't cool), so I'm also wondering if there would be any appropriate actions to take. Keep in mind that I am still school-aged, so I wouldn't expect people to listen to me if I was approaching them in person. I'm thinking about using their "Contact Us" option on their website.
I'm not an expert at this sort of thing, but they do definitely look fake, or at the very least tampered with. You're right that the booster box is completely wrong. The packaging of the packs themselves looks like the packs have been resealed, possibly from someone using legitimate opened wrappings to wrap fake cards. You might be able to spot evidence of the tampering on the back, or the might have been cut open at the very bottom and recrimped there, since the bottom of the packaging looks short compared to a legitimate pack. It's possible that the wrapping is also fake, but that's a bit harder to spot from just the photos.

Using a Contact Form would let the company know without them knowing your age, but Contact Forms are also likely to be ignored or tied up in red tape, especially if it's a chain store. Perhaps having a parents or older friend talk to someone in the store would be a better way to have the issue resolved.
They appear fake to me. If I had seen them in a store, I would've passed on them. And I definitely don't recall Braixen being on the boxart for BKT -- and that's something I'd remember, since I collect stuff of hers.

I agree with Athena's suggestion to have an adult speak to someone at the store; ideally a manager. At the very least, notify them of the likely fakes so they may reassess their suppliers. (Though I wouldn't be surprised if they don't see what the big deal is, sadly.)

I found the Braixen art. They stole it from a DeviantArt artist. You might want to contact him too, because he/she could get some cease orders goin' on all up in 'ere.
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Funny, they've done significant editing to Xous' Braixen art to make it appear 3D. I'll contact Xous, but I he's not on DeviantArt much these days.

EDIT: I've submitted a support ticket to, according to this frequently asked question.
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Those are totally fake packs. The booster boxes are fake too, I'm sure.

The artwork on those Booster Boxes is giving off tons of signs, at least to me. I've never seen a real, English booster box with non poster Pokemon on the cover. Braixen's artwork is from deviantart. I've seen it somewhere, I don't just don't know where. Hawlucha's artwork on the box is from its Furious Fists pack art I'm sure. These come off as total fakes to me.

You should definitely bring this to the store's attention, whether they be public or private. I'm no expert on law, but I think things like this are illegal, and they need to be told this by a customer whether they knew they were fakes or not.