Are These Cards Real or Fake?

RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Is this fake? I don't recognize the holo pattern.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

collinhall said:
Is this fake? I don't recognize the holo pattern.


I think that is a sticker.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Yep Fake they used to sell them in store vending machines from 1999-2002
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

They're still really cool. I thought they looked like the old bootleg stickers but I wasn't sure; thanks guys!
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

id prolly buy them still cus of the nostalgia factor :)
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

The Venusaur is definitely fake (font gives it away), and I think the Machop is fake too, but the blurriness of the image is hard for me to say that with 100% accuracy. Someone more familiar with that card in question might be able to tell you for sure.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

The Machop is also definitely fake. Look at this photo for reference:

As you can see, your Machop looks slightly different. The yellow border is asymmetrical (the left side is bigger than the right), the space gap between the attacks is less than in the original card, and my biggest concern is that the weakness icon and the fighting icon in the upper right corner are... weird. But obviously different from the original one.
"Mew Ex" 46/124

So, a friend of mine pulled this card out of a pack that he bought at our local Walmart. It is extremely misprinted or something else is going on and I cannot find any help anywhere online. Apparently no one posts on Pokemon TCG forums anywhere online because I have been asking around for days. The name is obviously misspelled, fonts are wrong, ability is wrong and it is not holo when it should be.

Here is the card.


  • new ex.jpg
    new ex.jpg
    96.3 KB · Views: 72
RE: "Mew Ex" 46/124

This card is so fake that for a moment I thought I'm in the "Fan Fakes" topic.

Dat name...
RE: "Mew Ex" 46/124

It wasn't my pack but a friends. It was most certainly a real pack. All the other cards were normal and even the online code card worked. Walmart gets their cards from vendors so I wouldn't think they would be receiving fraudulent product.
RE: "Mew Ex" 46/124

That is most definitely fake. They didn't even get the ability name right, let alone the name, plus it doesn't appear to be holo.

I hear Walmart often does repacks, and those occasionally contain fakes. (Probably due to the supplier either being unfamiliar with the card game, or just not taking as much care as they should.)
RE: "Mew Ex" 46/124

It does seem odd to me that only one of the cards would be fake. Would the repacks be in sealed boosters packs just like the regular one?
RE: "Mew Ex" 46/124

Yes it's fake, Pokemon doesn't make mistakes often with spelling and such. And you have New and Rebirth on the same card, not to mention font. Most definitely fake
RE: "Mew Ex" 46/124

Sherpernurnun said:
It does seem odd to me that only one of the cards would be fake. Would the repacks be in sealed boosters packs just like the regular one?

There is a chance that they opened it first, then they re-sealed it. It can happen if you buy from a huge retailer like Walmart. It's easier to do than you think, and they are used to "cut out" the worthy cards from the sets. Mostly they are replaced by original, but worse cards, but if they do not care, they can simply add a fake one instead.

If you check out the card itself, you can see that there are lots of wrong things in the card itself: the border, the holo (or the lack of it, if I check the picture), the blurred background, the bad font choice, the misspelled name, the wrong ability name, the star after the number of the card, the Pokémon-EX rule box (just look the color), and so on. Small details, but if too much details are wrong, it means one thing: it's a counterfeit.

Long story short: too many coincidences and errors in the same card means that it's a fake.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Other differences

On the original the swirl goes behind HP120, so the HP120 is unobstructed. On your card it goes in front of HP120.

On the original the top of the head is even with picture border. On your card the head aura covers part of New.
TCG Ruby & Sapphire question

Hi All

I hope someone can help me. I am going through my collection at the moment and found a single card and don't know if it is real or fake.

It is card 21/109 from the Ruby & Sapphire set - Seaking.

The card I have has no E-reader logo at the bottom and no dot codes like the English set had.

I have searched the internet and found the card I have for sale and also a card which has the dot codes.

With Dot codes
Ebay -
Ended auction so it is not me trying to sell something.

Without Dot codes

Can someone confirm if one one or both are real please don't really want fakes in my collection

Thanks in advance for the help
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

I did a bit of research and here is what I was able to find out. The first set of EX Ruby and Sapphire was printed with the dots code and e-reader logo at the bottom. Here is the PokéBeach scan of this card, which is a nice high quality for you to see. This was in 2003. In 2004, the set was reprinted without the e-reader information. Here is a higher quality scan of a different EX Ruby and Sapphire reprint card; as you see, it lacks the dot code and logo and the copyright has changed to 2004.

So, the Seaking you have appears to be from the second printing. If it has a 2004 copyright, and nothing else about the card looks off (font is correct, no typos, etc.), that should confirm it.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Athena thank you for the perfect information I am going to have to change my database now to include the different types this was perfect thank you very much and sorry for starting the new thread