Help Are These M Venusaur-EX Fake?


Aspiring Trainer
So I recently bought a lot of 20 holos of the newer card sets for 5 dollars. I really wondered why some people would sell them for so cheap. Nothing was wrong with the listing. I glanced around at other lots similar and one lot is entitled "Pokemon TCG MEGA 20pcs Poke FLASH Trading Cards EX Charizard Venusaur Blastoise."
Looking at the item description it says, "These cards are copy ones, not official original."
So people are selling false cards? I started wondering if the cards are got were not official. The cards kind of feel like the came right off the press like brand new 20 dollar bills.
It's actually really hard for me to tell if that's a fake or not. I'm pretty sure it is, but could I see a picture of the back of the cards?
The Mega Venusaur-EX on the right is definitely real; it's a print from GEN. The Mega Venusaur-EX on the left, however, looks fake. This isn't because of the art (it's an XY print), but because the holosheet does not look correct. If it was real, the holosheet should shine very similar to the print on the right, whereas it just looks dull. The art and the body of the card also seems to be too big; there's not that defined border around the main part of the card as there normally is on official cards. There's a couple of other ways that you can determine whether the card is real or not; does the card on the left feel the same as the GEN print? You can also compare the backs of the cards; if the one on the left is brighter or duller than the one on the right, then it is definitely fake.

Unfortunately, scammers sell fake cards all the time. Some of the biggest signs are incorrect holofoils (glossiness), over-contrasted or darkened colours, and spelling errors. You might even find these cards sold in commercial shops, such as dollar shops. Often if the price is too good to be true, then it's a scam.
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Okay, you put the one from XY up next to the one from Evolutions. Evolutions has a completely different card design than XY does, which could be part of it. However, like @bbninjas said, the lack of holofoil means it's almost surely fake. Sorry :(
The left one is fake. Severely miscut borders (which happens mind you but i've never seen a legit card as bad as that) and absolutely no foil.
The Mega Venusaur-EX on the left is definitely real; it's a print from GEN. The Mega Venusaur-EX on the right, however, looks fake. This isn't because of the art (it's an XY print), but because the holosheet does not look right. If it was real, the holosheet should shine very similar to the print on the right, whereas it just looks dull. The art and the body of the card also seems to be too big; there's not that defined border around the main part of the card as there normally is on official cards. There's a couple of other ways that you can determine whether the card is real or not; does the card on the left feel the same as the GEN print? You can also compare the backs of the cards; if the one on the left is brighter or duller than the one on the right, then it is definitely fake.

Unfortunately, scammers sell fake cards all the time. Some of the biggest signs are incorrect holofoils (glossiness), over-contrasted or darkened colours, and spelling errors. You might even find these cards sold in commercial shops, such as dollar shops. Often if the price is too good to be true, then it's a scam.
You got your lefts and rights mixed up.
The one on the left I BELIEVE is a fake - wishing I had my copy on hand to verify, but as stated by others, the holofoil effect looks off and the borders are almost non-exsistant.

The right one is an XY Evolutions print, and that one looks totally legit in my eyes.